Hilton Foods

Hilton Foods is a leading international multi-protein manufacturer, serving customers and retail partners across the world with high quality meat, fish, vegan and vegetarian foods and meals. We are a business of over 7,000 employees, operating from 24 technologically advanced food processing, packing and logistics facilities across 20 markets in Europe and Australasia. Our dedicated seafood businesses are Hilton Seafood UK, based in Grimsby (UK), and Foppen in the Netherlands and Greece. We also process smaller volumes of seafood in other locations.

Number of wild caught species used
% volume from certified fisheries
% volume from a FIP
Number of farmed species used
% volume from certified farms

Number of wild caught species used


% volume from certified fisheries


% volume from a FIP


Number of farmed species used


% volume from certified farms


Production Methods Used
    • Midwater trawl
    • Bottom trawl
    • Dredge
    • Purse seine
    • Seine nets
    • Gillnets and entangling nets
    • Hook and line
    • Longlines
    • Farmed

Our work in fisheries and aquaculture is delivered by our Sustainability team including specialists in aquaculture and fisheries. Seafood is risk assessed in accordance with the Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) Sourcing Code of Conduct. Hilton Seafood UK were one of the first founding members of SSC and currently serve on the Steering Committee.

We recognise the need for alignment on interoperable traceability protocols such as the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability, and we are committed to establish full chain visibility and data collection through innovative digital technology by 2025.

Hilton Seafood UK are active members of the SSC and co-chair the Global Gap Aquaculture technical committee to support sustainable wild capture and farmed seafood. We have actively supported several fishery improvement projects that have led to MSC certifications, working closely with our suppliers and fisheries. As part of Hilton Foods our work on improving and monitoring fish welfare was recognised via the award for innovation in 2021 from Compassion in World Farming and most recently we have been benchmarked by Crustaceans Compassion in their report.

Hilton Foods is actively engaged in Human Rights within the seafood and wider food industry and serve on the Board of the Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET). We also chair the Seafood Ethical Action Alliance (SEAA) as we actively seek ways of understanding the working conditions of fishers and farmers.

This profile covers all primary wild-caught and farmed seafood manufactured in our sites in 2022.

Associated Fisheries

Species and Location
Production Methods
Certification or Improvement Project
Sustainability Ratings

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

E Bering Sea

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Norway lobster

Nephrops norvegicus

Farn Deeps (FU 6)

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Sharks, skates, and rays may be caught in this fishery.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery. Bycatch of cod is a particular concern.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Scampi or langoustine, Farn Deeps (FU 6), Bottom trawl (otter), Fishery Improvement Project: Stage 5

Project UK - Nephrops

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

Sea of Okhotsk

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species. But some impacts on Steller sea lions and Short-tailed albatross may occur. There are measures in place to avoid interactions with ETP species.
  • Bycatch of herring and juvenile pollock occurs in this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Gulf of St. Lawrence South - Canada LFAs 23-26A,B

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures such as seasonal closures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, February 2021, Maritime Canada inshore lobster trap fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

American sea scallop

Placopecten magellanicus

St Pierre Bank

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • There is a strategy in place to manage impacts on the main bycatch species, which is yellowtail flounder. Bycatch also includes small quantities of cod, haddock, skate, and monkfish.
  • Dredges will directly impact on the sea bed, but the fishery is considered highly unlikely to reduce habitat structure and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm.

General Notes


LLoyd's Register, December 2020, MSC Public Certification Report for Eastern Canada Offshore Scallop

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:
Greenland, Norway, Russia

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, which is currently classified as Vulnerable.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on benthic habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of the vulnerable spotted wolffish and beaked redfish is a concern.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • Bottom trawls directly impact on the sea bed. However, the fishery operates at a depth where it is unlikely to impact vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Atlantic cod, Iceland, Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Measures to record and reduce bycatch of marine mammals and sea birds in the gillnet and longline component of the fishery are needed.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • The impact depends on the gear type. Gillnets and longlines will have less impact on the sea bed than bottom trawls.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Atlantic cod, Iceland, Hook & line (longline), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon production relies on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying fishmeal and fish oil varies.
  • There are concerns about the potential for farmed salmon escapes, disease outbreaks, and impacts on wild salmonids and wild fish used as cleaner fish.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed salmon.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon production relies on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying fishmeal and fish oil varies.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. Escapes are a critical conservation concern in Production Areas 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Norwegian salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has been reduced over the last five years but varies by Production Areas.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The Norwegian salmon industry has adopted a zonal approach to aquaculture management for licensing and disease management through the use of 13 Production Areas nationwide.


FishSource - salmon, Norway

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Scotland, Norway and Faroe Islands, Open net pen, marine, GlobalG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Norway, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar

United Kingdom

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed. Marine ingredients are sourced from fisheries that currently have no serious conservation concerns.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Scottish salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has declined over the last decade but varies by region.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The industry follows a zonal approach to aquaculture management with respect to planning, siting, licensing, and operation.


FishSource - salmon, United Kingdom

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Europe: UK, Scotland, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic salmon, Europe: Scotland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Open net pen, marine, GLOBALG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Scotland, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chilean mussel

Mytilus chilensis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • The larval phase of mussels may be transported away from farm sites. The spread of non-native mussels and unintentionally introduced species beyond their natural range may be a cause for concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Chilean mussel, Chile, Culture, bottom, Culture, suspension

Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Seafood Watch Recommendations, Chilean mussel, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Bivalve Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

North Sea and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to cause unacceptable impacts to ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but management measures are in place to reduce impacts.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. But, the fishery is considered highly unlikely to irreparably reduce habitat structure and function of commonly encountered habitats or vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes


LLoyd's Register, October 2021, Ekofish Group and Osprey Trawlers North Sea Twin-rigged Plaice, Public Certification Report, Second Reassessment

Species and Location

fishery flag

European seabass

Dicentrarchus labrax


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Seabass require fishmeal and fishoil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized and have not been shown to have cumulative impacts beyond the immediate farm site. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


FishSource - seabass/seabream, Turkey

Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, GlobalG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Giant tiger prawns are farmed in intensive and extensive systems that may require supplementary inputs of fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources.
  • Disease transfer and escapes are not a concern as giant tiger prawns are native to Vietnam, therefore lowering the risk to wild populations. However, the use of wild-caught juveniles to supply or supplement the stock on some farms may present a risk.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. The use of illegal antibiotics is a particular concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Tiger prawns, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Good Fish Guide - Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pond, improved extensive, Pond, semi-intensive

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gilthead seabream

Sparus aurata


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bream require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter are a concern with open net pens. But impacts from effluent are localized. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, GLOBALG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:
Faroe Islands, Norway, Russia

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on benthic habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:
Norway, Russia

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • Longlines are unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species, although there is a risk of seabird entanglement.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Measures to protect vulnerable habitats such as cold water coral reefs are in place.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

North Sea, West of Scotland and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • As a mixed fishery, the effects of management measures on other species need to be considered within an ecosystem context.


Good Fish Guide - Haddock, North Sea, West of Scotland, Skagerrak: Certified fleets only, Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

North Sea, West of Scotland and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • Impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Impacts from seine gear are less than those of bottom trawls.
General Notes
  • As a mixed fishery, the effects of management measures on other species need to be considered within an ecosystem context.


Good Fish Guide - Haddock, North Sea, West of Scotland, Skagerrak: Certified fleets only, Net (demersal seine)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Lemon sole

Microstomus kitt

North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, and Eastern English Channel

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There is insufficient information available to assess risks to ETP species in this fishery.
  • This fish is caught as a bycatch species in mixed fisheries.
  • Bottom trawls and seine gear will directly impact on the sea bed, though impacts are greatest from bottom trawls.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Atlantic Canada - SFA 3 (Nunavut and Nunavik Western)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The only ETP species recorded in the catch are Atlantic wolffish, spotted wolffish and Northern wolffish. Annual catches are low and the shrimp fishery is unlikely to hinder their recovery.
  • Bycatch of non-target species is considered low and mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. But, the fishery is considered highly unlikely to irreparably reduce habitat structure and function. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on vulnerable habitats.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

LRQA, June 2022, Canada Northern and Striped Shrimp MSC Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Management measures are in place to limit catch of redfish, which may include the endangered species, golden redfish. While catches are low in this fishery, there are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fisheries upon the golden redfish.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is low due to the use of Nordmøre sorting grids and other management measures.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered highly unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


DNG GL, March 2018, Public Certification Report for the Re-assessment of the Norway North East Arctic cold water prawn fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Icelandic offshore

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species. While halibut is landed by the offshore fleet, regulations are in place to manage impacts on the species. No interactions with any other ETP species are thought to occur.
  • Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on bycatch species. The most commonly caught bycatch species are cod and Greenland halibut. Fishing area closures are implemented if catches of small redfish, cod or halibut exceed thresholds.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered highly unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


DNV GL, October 2018, Public Certification Report for the Initial assessment of the ISF Iceland Northern shrimp fishery (inshore and offshore)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Norway lobster

Nephrops norvegicus

Farn Deeps

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Sharks, skates, and rays may be caught in this fishery.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery. Bycatch of cod is a particular concern.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Scampi or langoustine, Farn Deeps (FU 6), Bottom trawl (otter), Fishery Improvement Project: Stage 5

Project UK - Nephrops

Species and Location

fishery flag

Norway lobster

Nephrops norvegicus

Fladen Ground

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Sharks, skates, and rays may be caught in this fishery.
  • Bycatch for this fishery includes cod, haddock and whiting. Mitigation measures, including the use of more selective gears, have been implemented in Fladen Ground to reduce unwanted catch.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Scampi or langoustine, Fladen Ground (FU 7), Bottom trawl (otter), Fishery Improvement Project (FIP)

Project UK - Nephrops

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pangas catfishes nei

Pangasius spp.


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Small inputs of fishmeal and fishoil from marine feed sources are required. Feed inputs are not required to be certified as sustainable or responsibly sourced.
  • Pangasius is native to the Mekong and therefore escaped fish are unlikely to have direct impacts on local ecosystems. However, the effects of disease on pangasius farms upon wild fish populations is unknown. Juveniles used in pangasius farming come from Vietnamese hatcheries and the trade of wild-caught broodstock is limited.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter occurs on a relatively small scale when compared to the wider nutrient load in the Mekong. Nevertheless, the cumulative input of effluent from pond water exchange and the disposal of pond sludge contributes to the region's pollution problem. The improper disposal of sludge waste from pond bottoms is especially problematic. Environmental issues are mitigated by the certification standards but discharge limits need improvement. Chemical inputs to Vietnamese pangasius culture are high and there are concerns about the use of antibiotics important to human health.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The government requires pangasius farms to be managed under a zonal approach.


FishSource - Pangasius, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide - Basa (Pangasius bocourti & Pangasius hypophthalmus), Global, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch Recommended Eco-Certifications for farmed pangasius, Vietnam, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified

Species and Location

fishery flag

Patagonian scallop

Zygochlamys patagonica


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place, including the use of area closures to protect vulnerable habitats.
General Notes

Organización Internacional Agropecuaria S.A. (OIA), September 2020, Public Certification Report Assessment against MSC Principles and Criteria for: Patagonian Scallop Bottom Otter Trawl Fishery in Argentine Sea

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow Trout, Steelhead Trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Trout have a high requirement for fish in their diet.
  • Rainbow trout are not native to Norway. There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmonid escapes and disease outbreaks on wild fish populations. On average, 44,000 rainbow trout were registered escaped from Norwegian fish farms per year from 2010 to 2018. The most common cause of escapes are holes in the net. Fish farmers in Norway are legally obliged to report escapes.
  • Impacts on water quality depend on the farming method used. Production using open net cages and ponds results in the discharge of waste and nutrients directly into the surrounding water.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • Zonal management practices are being adopted in Norway.


Føre, H.M. and Thorvaldsen, T., 2021, Causal analysis of escape of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout from Norwegian fish farms during 2010–2018 - Aquaculture, Vol. 532, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.736002

Good Fish Guide - Rainbow trout, UK, Norway, Turkey, Pond, freshwater, GLOBALG.A.P.

Good Fish Guide - Rainbow trout, UK, Norway, Turkey, Open net pen, marine, GLOBALG.A.P.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals and seabirds occur infrequently. But this fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals and seabirds occur infrequently. But this fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC Public Certification Report for the Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC Public Certification Report for the Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC Public Certification Report for the Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Wellington flying squid

Nototodarus sloanii

East and West NZ

Fishery countries:
New Zealand

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • The fishery interacts with marine mammals and seabirds but there are management measures in place.
  • Information on bycatch is limited.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


OpenSeas New Zealand, May 2019, Arrow squid

Species and Location

fishery flag

Wellington flying squid

Nototodarus sloanii

NZ Southern Islands

Fishery countries:
New Zealand

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • The fishery interacts with marine mammals and seabirds but there are management measures in place.
  • Information on bycatch is limited.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


OpenSeas New Zealand, May 2019, Arrow squid

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but infrequent water exchange on whiteleg shrimp farms moderates this risk. Whiteleg shrimp are not native to Vietnam and there is potential for ecological impacts from escape but there is no evidence of the species becoming established in the wild.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. Intensive shrimp farms with higher nutrient inputs produce more waste and are associated with greater concerns around pollution. The use of antimicrobials important to human health and evidence of continued use of illegal antimicrobials is a concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The aquaculture industry is currently managed under a farm-based approach


FishSource - Shrimp, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Asia: Vietnam, India and Indonesia, Pond, semi-intensive and intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but infrequent water exchange on whiteleg shrimp farms moderates this risk. Whiteleg shrimp are not native to Vietnam and there is potential for ecological impacts from escape but there is no evidence of the species becoming established in the wild.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. Intensive shrimp farms with higher nutrient inputs produce more waste and are associated with greater concerns around pollution. The use of antimicrobials important to human health and evidence of continued use of illegal antimicrobials is a concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The aquaculture industry is currently managed under a farm-based approach.


FishSource - Shrimp, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Global Seafood Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices (GAA BAP) 2-3*

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Global Aquaculture Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices (GAA BAP) 4* certification

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Seafood Watch Recommended Eco-Certifications for Whiteleg shrimp

Species and Location

fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Eastern Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Associated purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Catch of sharks is a concern. In addition, there are risks to sea turtles with this fishery, but management measures are in place.
  • Bycatch is a risk in this fishery. The risk of bycatch in unassociated (FAD-free) purse seine fisheries is lower than in associated purse seine fisheries.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Eastern Pacific Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (TUNACONS) fishery

Profile Download

ODP profiles from previous years are available to download as PDFs below.