
Migros is a Swiss company which was founded in 1925. Our founder Duttweiler has started with Migros by using just five cars, which were cruising around Zurich and selling just a few products. Since then, Migros has grown into the biggest private employer in Switzerland and it is owned by more than two million cooperative members that are organized into ten regional cooperatives. These cooperatives run the core business of the Migros Group – the retail business. Over 50% of the brands sold in Migros are Migros own brand. They are mostly produced through our in-house production facilities, which makes Migros unique to this very day.

We consider our entrepreneurial activities as an obligation to contribute to society. In everything we do, we assume responsibility towards our customers, our employees, and partners, towards our environment and future generations. In doing so, we are guided by long-term ecological, social, and economic goals. In doing so, responsible sourcing and sustainability are key words in Migros.

Migros’ responsible seafood vision is to sell only fish and seafood that is fished and produced in a way that preserves wild stocks and ecosystems in the long term and complies with socially responsible working conditions along the supply chain. We are committed to further improving sources in regards environmental and socially responsible working conditions.

Number of Fisheries
Number of Certified Fisheries
Number of Fisheries in a FIP
Number of Farmed Sources
Number of Certified Farmed Sources*

Number of Fisheries


Number of Certified Fisheries


Number of Fisheries in a FIP


Number of Farmed Sources


Number of Certified Farmed Sources*


Production Methods Used
    • Midwater trawl
    • Bottom trawl
    • Dredge
    • Purse seine
    • Associated purse seine
    • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine
    • Seine nets
    • Gillnets and entangling nets
    • Hook and line
    • Longlines
    • Handlines and pole-lines
    • Rake / hand gathered / hand netted
    • Pots and traps
    • Miscellaneous
    • Farmed

As a basis, all fisheries and farms from which products are sold in Migros, whether certified or not, are evaluated according to the same criteria for their contribution to fulfilling our vision.

For this purpose, we have entered a partnership with Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) in 2022, which has developed a special assessment method with us, the M-Check "Fish from Responsible Sources". We communicate the results of these assessments directly on our fish products via M-Check Seafood stars. More about the evaluation criteria and M-Check "Fish from responsible sources" can be found at m-check.ch. Additionally, to the M-Check evaluation and the requirement, that only 2 stars or more are allowed in our assortment, we exclude “endangered species” such as following species:

  • Sharks of all species and products from sharks
  • Sea turtles and products from sea turtles
  • Marine mammals of all genera and products from such marine mammals
  • Wild caught sturgeon and products from wild caught sturgeon
  • Skates and sawfish of any species and products from skates and sawfish
  • Bluefin tuna

Furthermore, Migros has been working for many years to improve their sustainable/ responsible seafood assortment. Stricter criteria are therefore used. In addition to the ban on products with only one M-Check star, all origins that are rated as red ("Finger weg") in the WWF Fish Guide are also banned in principle. Further details are found under this link. These requirements are valid for Migros supermarkets, Migros restaurants and takeaways

This profile covers Migros supermarkets’ own-brand seafood assortment, including wild-caught and farmed seafood, from 2022. However, this year’s profile isn’t complete as it has not been possible to assess the whole assortment in less than a year. Frozen, canned, and fresh seafood sources are not disclosed in full. Our goal is to disclose all sources of our own-brand seafood assortment in the future.

*This includes farmed sources certified to the following standards: Aquaculture Stewardship Council, Bio Suisse, Debio, EU Organic, Global Aquaculture Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices, Global GAP, and Naturland.

Associated Fisheries

Species and Location
Production Methods
Certification or Improvement Project
Sustainability Ratings

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska plaice

Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus

Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species. Occasional interactions with marine mammals occur but impacts are thought likely to be low. Catches of other ETP species including, crabs, Pacific halibut and Pacific herring are low.
  • Occasional bycatch of seabirds occurs. There are regulations in place to reduce seabird bycatch including gear restrictions.
  • Only limited habitat impacts have been recorded. Management measures are in place to protect vulnerable habitats.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, December 2020, BSAI and GOA flatfish MSC Re-assessment Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Cupped oysters nei

Crassostrea spp.

United Kingdom

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed oysters.
  • Pacific oysters are non-native to the UK and may compete with native oyster species.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or chemical inputs are used to support farmed oysters.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific oyster, UK, Culture, suspension

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

Aleutian Islands, E Bering Sea

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

Gulf of Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

East Kamchatka

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species. But some impacts on Steller sea lions and Short-tailed albatross may occur. There are measures in place to avoid interactions with ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


United Certification Systems Limited, September 2021, East Kamchatka Alaska (Walleye) pollock mid-water trawl Public Certification Report

United Certification Systems Limited, September 2022, Fishery Shipowners Association (FSA) East Kamchatka and North Kuril Islands Walleye pollock Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

East Sakhalin

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species. But some impacts on Steller sea lions and Short-tailed albatross may occur. There are measures in place to avoid interactions with ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Acoura Marine Limited, August 2018, Russia Sea of Okhotsk Pollock Public Certification Report

United Certification Systems Limited, July 2022, Fishery Shipowners Association (FSA) East Sakhalin Walleye pollock Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

Sea of Okhotsk

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species. But some impacts on Steller sea lions and Short-tailed albatross may occur. There are measures in place to avoid interactions with ETP species.
  • Bycatch of herring and juvenile pollock occurs in this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

Sea of Okhotsk

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Information on interactions between the Danish seine fishery and ETP species is limited. A strategy is in development to prevent impacts on Stellar sea lions.
  • Bycatch rates are thought to be higher than that of the pelagic trawl fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed. Studies are underway to collect more information regarding the impact of Danish seine impacts in the Sea of Okhotsk.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

South Kurils

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species. But some impacts on Steller sea lions and Short-tailed albatross may occur. There are measures in place to avoid interactions with ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Alaska pollock

Gadus chalcogrammus

W Bering Sea Navarinsky

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery may represent a conservation concern for sea lions and endangered seabirds, but only one ETP species (short-tailed albatross) was observed interacting with a trawl.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low. There are several bycatch mitigation measures in place for the fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide, Alaska pollock, Bering Sea (West): Navarinsky, Net (pelagic trawl), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Thunnus alalunga

North Atlantic

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Handline fisheries have little bycatch but rely on the use of baitfish, which may be from unmanaged fisheries.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, March 2021, Tunas and Swordfish, Atlantic Ocean

Species and Location

fishery flag


Thunnus alalunga

North Pacific

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species; incidental capture by troll gear is uncommon.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Thunnus alalunga

North Pacific

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species; there is very limited bycatch in handline and pole and line fisheries.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Thunnus alalunga

South Atlantic

Fishery countries:
South Africa

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • More information on the use of baitfish is needed to manage impacts on baitfish species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Albacore tuna, South Atlantic, Hook & line (pole & line)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Thunnus alalunga

South Pacific

Fishery countries:
New Zealand

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species. Some bycatch of sharks and seabirds may occur.
  • Bycatch in troll fisheries is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Albacore tuna, South Pacific, Hook & line (troll)

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Bay of Fundy - Canada LFA 35

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures such as seasonal closures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, February 2021, Maritime Canada inshore lobster trap fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Gaspé Peninsula - Canada LFA 19-21

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures such as seasonal closures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, February 2023, Gaspésie lobster trap fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank - US Gulf of Maine

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species but entanglements in pot fishing gear are still occurring.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low. But there are concerns about the health of Atlantic herring and Atlantic menhaden stocks, which are used as bait in the lobster fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - American lobster, USA (Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank), Pot, trap or creel

Seafood Watch, September 2022, American lobster, United States: Northwest Atlantic, Pots

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Gulf of St. Lawrence South - Canada LFAs 23-26A,B

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures such as seasonal closures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, February 2021, Maritime Canada inshore lobster trap fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Northeastern Cape Breton Nova Scotia - Canada LFA 27

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures such as seasonal closures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, February 2021, Maritime Canada inshore lobster trap fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

Southern New England/Mid Atlantic

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species but entanglements in pot fishing gear are still occurring.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low. But there are concerns about the health of Atlantic herring and Atlantic menhaden stocks, which are used as bait in the lobster fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - American lobster, USA (Southern New England), Pot, trap or creel

Seafood Watch, September 2022, American lobster, United States: Northwest Atlantic, Pots

Species and Location

fishery flag

American lobster

Homarus americanus

SW Nova Scotia - Canada LFA 34

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are low. But entanglement in lobster gear presents a risk to marine mammals, in particular to the critically endangered North Atlantic Right whale. Management measures such as seasonal closures are in place to reduce the risk of interactions with the species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, February 2021, Maritime Canada inshore lobster trap fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

American sea scallop

Placopecten magellanicus

Eastern Canada: Browns and German Banks, Eastern Scotian shelf, Eastern Georges Bank, St Pierre Bank

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • There is a strategy in place to manage impacts on the main bycatch species, which is yellowtail flounder. Bycatch also includes small quantities of cod, haddock, skate, and monkfish.
  • Dredges will directly impact on the sea bed, but the fishery is considered highly unlikely to reduce habitat structure and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm.
General Notes


LLoyd's Register, December 2020, MSC Public Certification Report for Eastern Canada Offshore Scallop

Species and Location

fishery flag

American sea scallop

Placopecten magellanicus

Bay of Fundy SFA 29W

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species. Potential ETP species include marine mammals, sea turtles, and wolffishes.
  • Vessels must carefully return all bycatch to the water. Management measures are in place to monitor bycatch.
  • Dredges will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


SAI Global, July 2018, Marine Stewardship Council 1st Full Re-assessment Public Certification Report (PCR) For The
FBSA Canada Full Bay sea scallop fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

American sea scallop

Placopecten magellanicus

US Atlantic

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on bycatch species.
  • Dredges will directly impact on the sea bed, but the fishery is considered highly unlikely to reduce habitat structure and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm.
General Notes


SCS Global Services, October 2018, MSC Public Certification Report for US Atlantic Sea Scallop

Species and Location

fishery flag


Engraulis ringens

Chile Atacama (III) -Coquimbo (IV)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Occasional interactions with seabirds occur. The main species of concern is the Peruvian diving petrel.
  • Anchoveta is caught in a mixed fishery with mackerel and other fish species. A bycatch and discard mitigation plan is in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Engraulis ringens

Peruvian Northern-Central

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species occur frequently, but available evidence suggests that the impact on ETP species is low.
  • Available evidence suggests that bycatch in this fishery is low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag


Engraulis ringens

Southern Peru/Northern Chile

Fishery countries:
Chile, Peru

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Some interactions with ETP species occur in the industrial component of the fishery.
  • Anchoveta is caught in a mixed fishery with mackerel and other fish species. A bycatch and discard mitigation plan is in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Engraulis ringens

Chile Valparaíso (V) - Los Lagos (X)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals and seabirds occur. The fishery causes high mortality of the vulnerable pink-footed shearwater, but a specific measure is in place to reduce interactions during fishing operations.
  • Anchoveta is caught in a mixed fishery with Araucanian herring and other fish species. A bycatch and discard monitoring program is in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Lophius piscatorius

Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, skates and rays with this fishery.
  • There is potential for the fishery to have high quantities of bycatch, but there is insufficient data.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place to protect vulnerable deep-sea habitats.
General Notes


FisheryProgress - UK monkfish - gillnet/trawl

Good Fish Guide - White monkfish, Celtic Seas (South), Bay of Biscay, Bottom trawl (beam)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Lophius piscatorius


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Icelandic regulations require that all bycatch be recorded and management measures are used to limit bycatch.
  • Impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, but the fishery is considered highly unlikely to irreparably reduce habitat structure and function. Danish seine gear has a limited impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Vottunarstofan Tún ehf, January 2018, MSC Public Certification Report for ISF Iceland Anglerfish Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag


Lophius piscatorius


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Icelandic regulations require that all bycatch be recorded and management measures are used to limit bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Vottunarstofan Tún ehf, January 2018, MSC Public Certification Report for ISF Iceland Anglerfish Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Argentine anchovy

Engraulis anchoita

North of 41°S to Santa Catarina

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Occasional interactions with seabirds and marine mammals are known to occur within this fishery, but data is too limited to state whether this hinders their recovery.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Argentine red shrimp

Pleoticus muelleri

Patagonian - Argentina inshore, Argentina offshore

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks and rays with this fishery.
  • Bycatch of hake is a risk with this fishery.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact the sea bed.
General Notes


Fishery Progress, Argentina onshore red shrimp - bottom trawl FIP

Fishery Progress, Argentina offshore red shrimp - bottom trawl FIP

Species and Location

fishery flag

Argentine shortfin squid

Illex argentinus

SW Atlantic: Bonaerense/North, Spring spawning (SpSS)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species. However, there is potential for indirect impacts on seabirds.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is minimal.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


FisheryProgress, Argentina shortfin squid - jig

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Argentine shortfin squid

Illex argentinus

SW Atlantic: South Patagonian (SPS), Summer spawning (SSS)

Fishery countries:
Argentina, South Korea, Spain

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species. However, there is potential for indirect impacts on seabirds.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is minimal.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Argentine shortfin squid, South Patagonian Stock, Atlantic, Southwest, Hook & line (jig)

Good Fish Guide - Argentine shortfin squid, Summer Spawning Stock, Atlantic, Southwest, Hook & line (jig)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Baltic sea eastern

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds and marine mammals with this fishery.
  • Bycatch consists of flatfish species, predominantly founder.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:
Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, which is currently classified as Vulnerable.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on benthic habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species, however the degree of certainty regarding impacts is affected by limited publicly available scientific observer data and limited recording of ETP species vulnerable to longline fishing.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on bycatch species.
  • Longline gear is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


DNV GL, 2018, MSC Public Certification Report for Oceanprom Barents Sea cod and haddock fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Faroe Bank

Fishery countries:
Faroe Islands

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Hook and line
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There is a lack of information on interactions with ETP for this fishery. Concern has been raised about the potential for seabird bycatches with longline gear.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is a risk, but there is insufficient data available to assess significance.
  • Impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

Faroe Plateau

Fishery countries:
Faroe Islands

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Hook and line
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Measures to record and reduce bycatch of marine mammals and sea birds in the gillnet and longline component of the fishery are needed.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • The impact depends on the gear type. Bottom trawls will have the greatest impact on the sea bed. However, the fishery operates at a depth where it is unlikely to impact vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Atlantic cod, Iceland, Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Seine nets
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but non-target species are retained. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Vottunarstofan Tún ehf, April 2017, Public Certification Report ISF Iceland Cod Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

North Sea, E English Channel and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Gillnets are linked to bycatch of harbour porpoise in the North East Atlantic. Bycatch of seabirds may also occur.
  • Bycatch is a risk in this fishery, but there is insufficient data to assess significance.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Atlantic cod, North Sea, English Channel (East), Skagerrak, Net (gill or fixed)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua

North Sea, E English Channel and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Atlantic herring

Clupea harengus

North Sea Autumn spawners

Fishery countries:
Denmark, Netherlands, Norway

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic herring

Clupea harengus

North Sea Autumn spawners

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic herring

Clupea harengus

NE Atlantic Spring spawners

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic horse mackerel

Trachurus trachurus

Atlantic Iberian waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low, however bycatch data for the whole fishery is incomplete.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Good Fish Guide, Horse mackerel, Atlantic Iberian waters, Net (purse seine or ring)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic jackknife

Ensis directus

Dutch coastal waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Dredges will directly impact on the sea bed, however the fishery is considered highly unlikely to reduce habitat structure or function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm.
General Notes


MSC Public Certification Report for DFA Dutch North Sea ensis, January 2018

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Atlantic mackerel

Scomber scombrus

NE Atlantic

Fishery countries:
Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Purse seine
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species but mackerel plays an important role in the marine food web so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • Certification for this fishery was publicly suspended in March 2019 due to concerns regarding overfishing.
  • In response to the suspension of the fishery, a supply chain-led initiative called the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy (NAPA) Group was formed by retailers and processors in the UK, and has since expanded to include European retailers and processors. NAPA aims to develop a shared solution to sustainability issues in the North East Atlantic fisheries for mackerel, herring and blue whiting, and is seeking a formal agreement on catch limits for North East Atlantic Pelagic fisheries that reflects the scientific advice.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed. In Denmark, the ratio of feed to kg of fish is restricted; wet feed and soft pellets are prohibited. The local government sets terms for the maximum feed use.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) monitors and inspects all Danish fish farms and outlines procedures for the responses to disease outbreaks.
  • Water quality is guided by the European Water Framework Directive, which aims for freshwater and coastal waterbodies to achieve a good ecological status. In Denmark, this goal is achieved via the use of river basin/watershed management plans. The local government sets terms for the maximum annual and daily discharge of nutrients and organic matter.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


FishSource - Salmon, Denmark

Seafood Watch, Recommended Eco-Certifications for Atlantic salmon, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certified

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed.
  • Farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks may impact on wild salmonids.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Seafood Watch, Recommended Eco-Certifications for Atlantic salmon, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certified

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon have a high requirement for protein in their diet. Organic salmon farms use marine feed ingredients from aquaculture or marine by-products and trimmings.
  • Farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks may impact on wild salmonids.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Organic salmon farms minimize chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard.
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.


Good Fish Guide - Atlantic salmon, Europe, Open net pen, marine, Organic

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon have a high requirement for protein in their diet.
  • Farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks may impact on wild salmonids.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard.
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon production relies on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying fishmeal and fish oil varies.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. Escapes are a critical conservation concern in Production Areas 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Norwegian salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has been reduced over the last five years but varies by Production Areas.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The Norwegian salmon industry has adopted a zonal approach to aquaculture management for licensing and disease management through the use of 13 Production Areas nationwide.


FishSource - salmon, Norway

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Europe, Scotland and Norway, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Norway, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon production relies on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying fishmeal and fish oil varies.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. Escapes are a critical conservation concern in Production Areas 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Norwegian salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has been reduced over the last five years but varies by Production Areas.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The Norwegian salmon industry has adopted a zonal approach to aquaculture management for licensing and disease management through the use of 13 Production Areas nationwide.


FishSource - salmon, Norway

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Scotland, Norway and Faroe Islands, Open net pen, marine, GlobalG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Norway, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon production relies on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying fishmeal and fish oil varies.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. Escapes are a critical conservation concern in Production Areas 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Norwegian salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has been reduced over the last five years but varies by Production Areas.
General Notes
  • The Norwegian salmon industry has adopted a zonal approach to aquaculture management for licensing and disease management through the use of 13 Production Areas nationwide.


FishSource - salmon, Norway

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic salmon, Norway, Open net pen, marine

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Norway, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon production relies on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying fishmeal and fish oil varies. Organic salmon farms use marine feed ingredients from aquaculture or marine by-products and trimmings.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. Escapes are a critical conservation concern in Production Areas 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Norwegian salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has been reduced over the last five years but varies by Production Areas. Organic salmon farms minimize chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard.
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.
  • The Norwegian salmon industry has adopted a zonal approach to aquaculture management for licensing and disease management through the use of 13 Production Areas nationwide.


FishSource - salmon, Norway

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic salmon, Europe, Open net pen, marine, Organic

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Norway, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed. Marine ingredients are sourced from fisheries that currently have no serious conservation concerns.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Scottish salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has declined over the last decade but varies by region.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The industry follows a zonal approach to aquaculture management with respect to planning, siting, licensing, and operation.


FishSource - salmon, United Kingdom

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Europe: UK, Scotland, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic salmon, Europe: Scotland and Norway, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Scotland, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed. Marine ingredients are sourced from fisheries that currently have no serious conservation concerns.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Scottish salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has declined over the last decade but varies by region.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The industry follows a zonal approach to aquaculture management with respect to planning, siting, licensing, and operation.


FishSource - salmon, United Kingdom

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Europe: UK, Scotland, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic salmon, Europe: Scotland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Open net pen, marine, GLOBALG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Scotland, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar


Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed. Marine ingredients are sourced from fisheries that currently have no serious conservation concerns.
  • There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmon escapes and disease outbreaks on wild salmonids. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the impact on wild wrasse populations used as cleaner fish to control sea lice.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides used to control sea lice are of particular concern for farmed Scottish salmon. The use of chemical pesticides has declined over the last decade but varies by region.
General Notes
  • The industry follows a zonal approach to aquaculture management with respect to planning, siting, licensing, and operation.


FishSource - salmon, United Kingdom

Good Fish Guide - Atlantic Salmon, Europe: UK, Scotland, Open net pen, marine

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic Salmon, Scotland, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Atlantic wolffish

Anarhichas lupus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets
  • Longlines
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of seabirds occurs in the longline fishery. Some mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bycatch is not always reported as required. Several species of fish are used as bait in the longline and handline fisheries but there is a lack of data on bait use.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • The life-history characteristics of Atlantic wolffish: long-lived and late maturity, increase its vulnerability to overfishing.


Vottunarstofan Tún ehf, September 2019, ISF Iceland Multi-Species Demersal Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Australian spiny lobster

Panulirus cygnus

Western Australia

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The main risk to ETP species in this fishery is entanglement of marine mammals. Most reported interactions involve humpback whales. But measures are in place to reduce impacts and interactions with the fishery are considered highly likely to not hinder the recovery of these ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


bio.inspecta, 19 September 2022, MSC Public Certification Report for Australia western rock lobster fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag


Lates calcarifer


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts are addressed to some degree by certification.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Lates calcarifer

Sri Lanka

Fishery countries:
Sri Lanka

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes

Species and Location

fishery flag

Big blue octopus

Octopus cyanea

East Nusa Tenggara

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Blue mussel

Mytilus edulis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • Only naturally occurring spat are used to stock the farm so the transportation of the larval phase of mussels away from farm sites is not a concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Species and Location

fishery flag

Blue mussel

Mytilus edulis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • The larval phase of mussels may be transported away from farm sites. The spread of non-native mussels and unintentionally introduced species beyond their natural range may be a cause for concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Blue mussel, UK and Ireland (Republic of), Culture, suspension

Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Species and Location

fishery flag

Blue mussel

Mytilus edulis

East Jutland

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Gear such as underwater video cameras is used by the fleet to target dense areas of mussels and minimise bycatch.
  • Light-weight dredge gear and fishing area restrictions are used to reduce the impact of the fishery on the sea bed. This fishery is assessed as highly unlikely to reduce habitat structure and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, October 2021, DFPO Mussel, Cockle and Oyster Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Blue mussel

Mytilus edulis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge
  • Miscellaneous

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • Dredges will directly impact on the sea bed. Fishing activity is concentrated across a small area and restrictions are in place to protect key habitats. Any adverse impacts from rope grown production are localized and reversible.
General Notes


LRQA, October 2022, Limfjord Blue Shell Mussel (Rope Grown) Public Certification Report

MRAG Americas, October 2021, DFPO Mussel, Cockle and Oyster Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Cape hakes

Merluccius paradoxus, Merluccius capensis

Namibian coast

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with seabirds may occur. Measures such as the use of streamer lines are required to minimise seabird bycatch but compliance is an issue.
  • Bycatch is a risk in this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. There are restrictions in place to prevent the footprint of the fishing area from expanding.
General Notes


Control Union, November 2020, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Public Certification Report for Namibia hake trawl and longline fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Cape hakes

Merluccius paradoxus, Merluccius capensis

Namibian coast

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with seabirds may occur. Measures such as the use of streamer lines are required to minimise seabird bycatch but compliance is an issue.
  • Bycatch is a risk in this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • The longline gear is not set in contact with the sea bed.
General Notes


Control Union, November 2020, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Public Certification Report for Namibia hake trawl and longline fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag


Mallotus villosus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There have been some reports of interactions with marine mammals in this fishery, but the fishery is considered unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Caribbean spiny lobster

Panulirus argus

Western Central Atlantic

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Rake / hand gathered / hand netted
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chilean jack mackerel

Trachurus murphyi

Southeast Pacific

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The purse seine fishery occasionally interacts with marine mammals and seabirds but impacts are not likely to be significant.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Lloyd's Register, April 2019, Public Certification Report for Chile Purse Seine Jack Mackerel

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chilean mussel

Mytilus chilensis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • The larval phase of mussels may be transported away from farm sites. The spread of non-native mussels and unintentionally introduced species beyond their natural range may be a cause for concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Chilean mussel, Chile, Culture, bottom, Culture, suspension

Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Seafood Watch Recommendations, Chilean mussel, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Bivalve Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chilean mussel

Mytilus chilensis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • Only naturally occurring spat are used to stock the farm so the transportation of the larval phase of mussels away from farm sites is not a concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes
  • Production is certified to the Best Aquaculture Practices 1-Star standard (which is not recognised by the Ocean Disclosure Project).

Good Fish Guide - Chilean mussel, Chile, Culture, bottom, Culture, suspension

Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chilean mussel

Mytilus chilensis

Chile Los Lagos (X)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Rake / hand gathered / hand netted
  • Miscellaneous

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chilean nylon shrimp

Heterocarpus reedi


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to marine mammals and seabirds with this fishery, but the rate of interactions is low.
  • Management measures are in place for commercial bycatch species.
  • Lighter trawl gear has been adopted to reduce the impact of the fishery on the sea bed.
General Notes


Bureau Veritas, June 2022, MSC Public Certification Report for Chile Squat Lobsters Camanchaca Demersal Trawl Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chinook salmon

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The industry’s feed includes fishmeal and fish oil. The sustainability of wild capture fisheries varies.
  • Chinook salmon is not native to New Zealand but has become "domesticated". Therefore the risk from escapes of competitive and genetic interactions with wild species are low.
  • There is the potential for cumulative impacts of effluents at the waterbody scale. Chemical inputs on farms in New Zealand are low.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, January 2020, Chinook (King) Salmon, New Zealand, Marine and freshwater net pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chum salmon

Oncorhynchus keta

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chum salmon

Oncorhynchus keta

Alaska - Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chum salmon

Oncorhynchus keta

Alaska - Southeast Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chum salmon

Oncorhynchus keta

Alaska - Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands and Chignik; Cook Inlet; Kodiak; Prince William Sound; Southeast Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report
Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Chum salmon

Oncorhynchus keta

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve; Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim; Bristol Bay; Cook Inlet; Kodiak; Prince William Sound; Southeast Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Seine nets
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Coho salmon

Oncorhynchus kisutch


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Salmon rely on wild capture fisheries for feed. The sustainability of fisheries supplying feed used for coho salmon in Chile was not identified.
  • Large escape events continue to occur in Chile, although they only affect a small proportion of farms annually. Escaped coho salmon show greater evidence of establishment in Chile than Atlantic salmon. Escaped fish have been shown to predate on wild fish, which may affect native populations. The open nature of net pen production systems means there is a risk of disease transfer to wild fish, though monitoring and detection shows low rates in the wild of pathogens and parasites of concern to salmon farming.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized, but there is potential for cumulative impacts in densely farmed areas. Chemical inputs of pesticides and antimicrobials are high though usage varies by production region. There are concerns about the use of antimicrobials important to human health.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • A zonal management approach has been adopted based on groups of licenses known as Aquaculture Management Areas (AMAS), emergency disease zones, and Authorized Areas for Aquaculture (AAA).


FishSource - Salmon, Chile

Seafood Watch, December 2021, Atlantic and Coho Salmon, Chile, Marine Net Pens

Species and Location

fishery flag

Coho salmon

Oncorhynchus kisutch

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve; Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim; Bristol Bay; Southeast Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Coho salmon

Oncorhynchus kisutch

Alaska - Cook Inlet; Copper-Bering

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Coho salmon

Oncorhynchus kisutch

Alaska - Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim; Prince William Sound; Westward Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, April 2019, 3rd Reassessment Report Alaska Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Common octopus

Octopus vulgaris

Cape Blanc

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Vulnerable marine species are found in the production area, but there is no information about the impacts of this fishery on ETP species.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery, which is associated with high rates of discarding. But there is no updated information about bycatch impacts of this fishery.
  • There is no information about habitat impacts in this fishery, but pots and traps are unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Common octopus

Octopus vulgaris


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, March 2021, Seafood Watch Report for Common octopus, Eastern Central and Northeast Atlantic, Bottom trawls, Traps (unspecified), Pots, Jig

Species and Location

fishery flag

Common octopus

Octopus vulgaris


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Common octopus

Octopus vulgaris


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, March 2021, Seafood Watch Report for Common octopus, Eastern Central and Northeast Atlantic, Bottom trawls, Traps (unspecified), Pots, Jig

Species and Location

fishery flag

Common shrimp

Crangon crangon

North Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species. ETP species either escape during fishing or are released back into the water when the catch is sorted.
  • Management measures including technical gear measures, are in place to reduce bycatch in this fishery.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, but this fishery does not cause serious or irreversible harm.
General Notes


Acoura Marine, December 2017, MSC Public Certification Report for North Sea Brown Shrimp

Species and Location

fishery flag

Common sole

Solea solea

North Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Skates and rays are identified as ETP species in this fishery. Some mitigation measures are in place to help protect blue skate and flapper skate.
  • Bycatch of North Sea cod is a concern for this fishery but mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Dover sole, North Sea, Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Cupped oysters nei

Crassostrea spp.

United Kingdom

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed oysters.
  • Pacific oysters are non-native to the UK and may compete with native oyster species.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or chemical inputs are used to support farmed oysters.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific oyster, UK, Culture, suspension

Species and Location

fishery flag

Deep-water Cape hake

Merluccius capensis

South Africa

Fishery countries:
South Africa

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Previous concerns over interactions with seabirds have been mitigated using bird scaring lines and a reduction in fishing effort. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the extent of fishery interactions with some ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but there is a strategy in place for managing retained species. The estimated discard rate for the fishery is low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered highly unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes

LLoyd's Register, 2021, MSC Public Certification Report for South Africa Hake Trawl Fishery - Third Reassessment

Species and Location

fishery flag

Devil anglerfish

Lophius vomerinus

South Africa

Fishery countries:
South Africa

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Edible crab

Cancer pagurus

Malin NW Ireland

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Edible crab

Cancer paguras

Celtic Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

Adriatic Sea

Fishery countries:
Albania, , Italy, Montenegro

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of dolphins is reported to occur in the European anchovy pelagic fisheries but information on impacts is limited.
  • Other small pelagic species are caught as bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Seafood Watch, February 2014, European anchovy & European pilchard, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Gulf of Lion, Ionian Sea, Ligurian Sea, Spain/Mediterranean, Strait of Sicily, Black Sea, Unassociated purse seine (non-FAD), Midwater trawls, Reviewed October 2020

Species and Location

fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

Bay of Biscay

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Good Fish Guide - European anchovy, Bay of Biscay, Net (purse seine or ring)

Species and Location

fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

Bay of Biscay

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Measures are in place to prevent fishing from hindering the recovery and rebuilding of the main bycatch species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Bureau Veritas, April 2020, MSC Public Certification Report for Cantabrian Sea Purse Seine Anchovy Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

Northern Alboran Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of dolphins is reported to occur in the European anchovy pelagic fisheries but information on impacts is limited.
  • Other small pelagic species are caught as bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Seafood Watch, February 2014, European anchovy & European pilchard, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Gulf of Lion, Ionian Sea, Ligurian Sea, Spain/Mediterranean, Strait of Sicily, Black Sea, Unassociated purse seine (non-FAD), Midwater trawls, Reviewed October 2020

Species and Location

fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

Northern Spain (Mediterranean)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of dolphins is reported to occur in the European anchovy pelagic fisheries but information on impacts is limited.
  • Other small pelagic species are caught as bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Seafood Watch, February 2014, European anchovy & European pilchard, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Gulf of Lion, Ionian Sea, Ligurian Sea, Spain/Mediterranean, Strait of Sicily, Black Sea, Unassociated purse seine (non-FAD), Midwater trawls, Reviewed October 2020

Species and Location

fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

NW Africa

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of marine mammals and sharks may occur but purse seine gear has not been linked to significant bycatch of these ETP species. More information is needed to fully assess the threat to ETP species.
  • Management measures are in place to limit bycatch by fisheries operating in Morocco.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Good Fish Guide - European anchovy, Northwest Africa: Zone North, A and B: All areas, FAO 34: Atlantic, Eastern Central, Net (purse seine or ring)

Species and Location

fishery flag

European anchovy

Engraulis encrasicolus

SW Iberian western component

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of dolphins is reported to occur in the European anchovy pelagic fisheries but information on impacts is limited.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low, but impacts are not well understood.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Good Fish Guide - European anchovy, Western and Southern Atlantic Iberian waters, Net (purse seine or ring)

Seafood Watch, March 2023, Sardine, anchovy, mackerel (Spain, France, Portugal), Atlantic, Northeast, Purse seines, Handlines and hand-operated pole-and-lines

Species and Location

fishery flag

European perch

Perca fluviatilis

Bratsk Reservoir - Angara River

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Management measures are in place to regulate impacts on bycatch species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes


United Certification Systems Limited, April 2022, Bratsk Reservoir Perch Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

European perch

Perca fluviatilis

Curonian lagoon - Baltic Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European perch

Perca fluviatilis

Lake Peipsi

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

European perch

Perca fluviatilis

Lake Peipsi

Fishery countries:
Estonia, Russia

Production Methods

  • Seine nets
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There is potential for interactions to occur with seabirds but very few interactions have been reported.
  • Bycatch species include pike and bream. Management measures are in place to reduce impacts on bycatch species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes


Marine Certification, January 2020, Russian and Estonian Lake Peipus perch and pike-perch Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

Adriatic Sea

Fishery countries:
Croatia, Italy

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of dolphins is reported to occur in the Adriatic Sea pelagic fisheries but information on impacts is limited.
  • Other small pelagic species are caught as bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


FisheryProgress, Adriatic Sea European sardine - purse seine

Seafood Watch, April 2014, European anchovy & European pilchard, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Gulf of Lion, Ionian Sea, Ligurian Sea, Spain/Mediterranean, Strait of Sicily, Black Sea, Unassociated purse seine (non-FAD), Midwater trawls, Reviewed October 2020

Species and Location

fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

Bay of Biscay, Southern Celtic Seas and English Channel

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

Bay of Biscay, Southern Celtic Seas and English Channel

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

Cantabrian Sea and Atlantic Iberian waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have direct impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Good Fish Guide - Sardine, Cantabrian Sea and Atlantic Iberian waters, Net (purse seine or ring)

Species and Location

fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

NW Africa central

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Available data is still limited, but interactions with ETP species are likely to be low in the purse seine fishery. Commonly reported bycatch in the area includes sharks and rays, sea turtles, marine mammals, and sunfish.
  • No more than 3% of the total catch for Moroccan small pelagic fisheries is allowed to comprise bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

NW Africa central

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Available data is still limited. Commonly reported bycatch in the area includes sharks and rays, sea turtles, marine mammals, and sunfish.
  • No more than 3% of the total catch for Moroccan small pelagic fisheries is allowed to comprise bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European pilchard

Sardina pilchardus

NW Africa southern

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Available data is still limited. Commonly reported bycatch in the area includes sharks and rays, sea turtles, marine mammals, and sunfish.
  • Other small pelagic species are caught as bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • This fish plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

Baltic Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Bottom trawl
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There is a lack of information regarding ETP species and the impact of fishing on them, especially for gillnet gear. Species identified among bycatch include harbour porpoise. The fishery may also interact with seals and seabirds.
  • Flatfish are caught as bycatch in the cod, herring, and sprat fisheries. Bycatch of plaice is managed under the EU Multiannual Plan for the Baltic Sea. Some management measures are in place to improve selectivity and reduce catch of juvenile fish.
  • Habitat impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls present the greatest risk of impacts to the sea bed.
General Notes


Global Trust Certification, September 2021, Poland flatfish trawl and gillnet Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species occur infrequently.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes


DNV Business Assurance, November 2022, Public Certification Report «GELA» LTD. NORTH EAST ATLANTIC

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to cause unacceptable impacts to ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but management measures are in place to reduce impacts.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. But, the fishery is considered highly unlikely to irreparably reduce habitat structure and function.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

Kattegat, Belts and Sound

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

North Sea and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • There is potential for interactions between seabirds and gillnets and trammel nets to occur, but more data is required to assess the significance of this risk.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed, but more data is needed to fully understand the impacts.
General Notes
  • As a mixed fishery, the effects of management measures on other species need to be considered within an ecosystem context.


Control Union, October 2019, Public Certification Report – General Background for Joint demersal fisheries in the North Sea and adjacent waters

Control Union, October 2019, Public Certification Report – Principle 2 for Joint demersal fisheries in the North Sea and adjacent waters

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

North Sea and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:
Denmark, Netherlands

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to cause unacceptable impacts to ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but management measures are in place to reduce impacts.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. But, the fishery is considered highly unlikely to irreparably reduce habitat structure and function.
General Notes


Control Union, October 2019, MSC Public Certification Report - Principle 2 for Joint demersal fisheries in the North Sea and adjacent waters

Acoura Marine, March 2016, MSC Public Certification Report for Ekofish Group North Sea (ICES IVb) twin rigged otter trawl plaice fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

North Sea and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • There is potential for seine gear to interact with sharks, skates, and rays, but overall, this fishery is considered unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Control Union, October 2019, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Public Certification Report – Principle 2, Joint demersal fisheries in the North Sea and adjacent waters

Species and Location

fishery flag

European plaice

Pleuronectes platessa

North Sea and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are records of the fishery interacting with marine mammals, sharks, skates, and rays, but data indicates that the rate of interactions is low. Overall, this fishery is considered unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species.
  • There is some concern about catches of North Sea cod, but efforts are underway to rebuild the cod stock. Gear measures are in place to reduce bycatch generally.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, but overall, this fishery is considered unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes


Control Union (UK) Limited, May 2022, Public Certification Report Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG) Northern Demersal Stocks

Species and Location

fishery flag

European seabass

Dicentrarchus labrax


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Seabass require fishmeal and fishoil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized and have not been shown to have cumulative impacts beyond the immediate farm site. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • Some regions have allocated zones for aquaculture.


Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

European seabass

Dicentrarchus labrax


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Seabass require fishmeal and fishoil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized and have not been shown to have cumulative impacts beyond the immediate farm site. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The industry has adopted a zonal approach to farm planning and management.


Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

European seabass

Dicentrarchus labrax


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Seabass require fishmeal and fishoil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Impacts on water quality are localized and have not been shown to have cumulative impacts beyond the immediate farm site. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


FishSource - seabass/seabream, Turkey

Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Seabass, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, GlobalG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant river prawn

Macrobrachium rosenbergii


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Production of farmed giant river prawns requires little to no feed inputs of wild fish for feed.
  • Production relies heavily on the unsustainable input of wild-caught juveniles, which are in decline. But the use of wild-caught juveniles means that the risk to wild populations from escape events is low, despite the high likelihood of escapes occurring.
  • Risks from chemical inputs are low and there is little risk from effluent discharge.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Giant river prawn, Bangladesh, Pond, extensive

Seafood Watch, April 2017, Giant Tiger Prawn and Giant Freshwater Prawn, Bangladesh, Ponds, Updated December 2021

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. The sustainability of feed inputs is unknown.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern. Escapes do occur but the species is native to Asia and escapes are thought unlikely to significantly impact wild populations. The use of wild broodstock to supply hatcheries is a concern.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. The use of illegal chemicals is a concern.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.
  • Legislation on zonal planning relevant to aquaculture exists but it is unclear whether zones have been established.


FishSource - shrimp, Indonesia

Good Fish Guide - Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pond, improved extensive, Pond, semi-intensive

Seafood Watch, December 2015, Giant Tiger Prawn, Whiteleg Shrimp, Indonesia, Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Giant tiger prawns are farmed in intensive and extensive systems that may require supplementary inputs of fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources.
  • Disease transfer and escapes are not a concern as giant tiger prawns are native to Vietnam, therefore lowering the risk to wild populations. However, the use of wild-caught juveniles to supply or supplement the stock on some farms may present a risk.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. The use of illegal antibiotics is a particular concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Tiger prawns, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Good Fish Guide - Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pond, improved extensive, Pond, semi-intensive

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Giant tiger prawns farmed in extensive organic systems do not require supplementary inputs of fishmeal and fish oil.
  • Disease transfer and escapes are not a concern as giant tiger prawns are native to Vietnam, therefore lowering the risk to wild populations. However, the use of wild-caught juveniles to supply or supplement the stock on some farms may present a risk.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. Organic production uses minimal chemical and antibiotic inputs.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.


Good Fish Guide - Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pond, improved extensive, Pond, semi-intensive

Good Fish Guide - Tiger prawns, Vietnam, Madagascar, Pond, extensive, EU Organic Soil Association

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Giant tiger prawns are farmed in intensive and extensive systems that may require supplementary inputs of fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources.
  • Disease transfer and escapes are not a concern as giant tiger prawns are native to Vietnam, therefore lowering the risk to wild populations. However, the use of wild-caught juveniles to supply or supplement the stock on some farms may present a risk.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. The use of illegal antibiotics is a particular concern.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pond, improved extensive, Pond, semi-intensive

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Giant tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sea turtles with this fishery, but there is insufficient data available to assess significance.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but 75% of the bycatch must be landed by law.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gilthead seabream

Sparus aurata


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bream require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter are a concern with open net pens. But impacts from effluent are localized. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gilthead seabream

Sparus aurata


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Bream require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter are a concern with open net pens. But impacts from effluent are localized. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gilthead seabream

Sparus aurata


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bream require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter are a concern with open net pens. But impacts from effluent are localized. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gilthead seabream

Sparus aurata


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Bream require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter are a concern with open net pens. But impacts from effluent are localized. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gilthead seabream

Sparus aurata


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bream require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Escapes are a concern and little is known about the risk of disease transfer to wild species.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter are a concern with open net pens. But impacts from effluent are localized. Chemical inputs are only used for health management and are applied in a controlled manner. Reports indicate responsible use, but there is a lack of data on the quantity of chemical inputs.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine

Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Good Fish Guide - Gilthead bream, European Union and Turkey, Open net pen, marine, GLOBALG.A.P.

Seafood Watch, July 2020, Gilthead Seabream, European Seabass and Meagre, European Union, Turkey, Egypt

Species and Location

fishery flag

Gloomy octopus

Octopus tetricus

Australian West coast

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Marine mammals occasionally interact with octopus fishing gear but this fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. Discarded bycatch species are usually returned to the water alive.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


SCS Global, November 2019, Western Australian Octopus Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Golden redfish

Sebastes norvegicus

Iceland and Faroes grounds, W Scotland, N Azores, E Greenland

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Seine nets
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Longlines
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Impacts vary by gear type. Bycatch of marine mammals occurs in the gillnet and bottom trawl fisheries. Bycatch of seabirds occurs in the longline and gillnet fisheries. Monitoring and some mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bycatch is not always reported as required. Several species of fish are used as bait in the longline and handline fisheries but there is a lack of data on bait use.
  • Habitat impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, but overall, this fishery is considered unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes


Vottunarstofan Tún ehf, September 2019, ISF Iceland Multi-Species Demersal Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Golden redfish

Sebastes norvegicus

Iceland and Faroes grounds, W Scotland, N Azores, E Greenland

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:
Faroe Islands, France, Iceland, Norway, Russia

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on benthic habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on benthic habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, but most of the catch is taken by bottom trawls.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low. With some exceptions, all commercial species caught must be retained, recorded and landed.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on benthic habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl
  • Bottom trawl
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species, although there is a risk of seabird entanglement.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Measures to protect vulnerable habitats such as cold water coral reefs are in place.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

North Sea, West of Scotland and Skagerrak

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are recorded interactions with golden redfish, marine mammals, sharks and rays, but the rate of interactions is considered unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but management measures are in place to reduce impacts on retained species.
  • Habitat impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, but overall, this fishery is considered unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function. However, there are concerns about the potential for some fishing areas to overlap with unprotected vulnerable habitats.
General Notes
  • As a mixed fishery, the effects of management measures on other species need to be considered within an ecosystem context.


DNV GL, June 2018, Public Certification Report for the Reassessment of the Norway North Sea demersal fisheries

Species and Location

fishery flag


Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The fishery interacts with sharks, skates (in particular, blue skate), and marine mammals. Catch rates appear low but further information is needed to be able to conclude that the fishery is not impacting blue skate.
  • Management measures are in place to reduce discarding and limit impacts on bycatch species.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Area closures are in place to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes


ME Certification, July 2018, Public Certification
Report SFSAG Rockall haddock

Species and Location

fishery flag

Indian squid

Loligo duvauceli

Andhra Pradesh

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to marine mammals with this fishery.
  • There is a lack of information on bycatch in this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

John dory

Zeus faber

NE Atlantic

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Jumbo flying squid

Dosidicus gigas

SE Pacific

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


FisheryProgress - Peruvian jumbo flying squid - jig

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

Jumbo flying squid

Dosidicus gigas

SE Pacific

Fishery countries:
China, Chile

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low but more data is needed to fully understand the risk in all management areas.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Jumbo flying squid

Dosidicus gigas

SE Pacific

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low but more data is needed to fully understand the risk in all management areas.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

Lemon sole

Microstomus kitt

North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, and Eastern English Channel

Fishery countries:
Denmark, Netherlands

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to ETP species including marine mammals, sharks, skates and rays. Some mitigation measures are in place.
  • This fish is caught as a bycatch species in mixed fisheries.
  • Bottom trawls and seine gear will directly impact on the sea bed, though impacts are greatest from bottom trawls.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Lemon sole, North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, English Channel (East), Bottom trawl (beam)

Good Fish Guide - Lemon sole, North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, English Channel (East), Bottom trawl (otter)

Good Fish Guide - Lemon sole, North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, English Channel (East), Net (demersal seine)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Molva molva


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species but there are risks to seabirds of entanglement in longline gear.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Cyclopterus lumpus

Icelandic waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The main ETP species identified are seabirds. This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch is underreported in this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


SAI Global, November 2020, ISF Iceland lumpfish Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag


Cyclopterus lumpus

Greenland waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Other species caught in the fishery include wolffishes and Atlantic halibut. All fish must be landed, except Atlantic halibut, which must be discarded alive where possible.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


DNV GL, February 2021, MSC Public Certification Report for the Reassessment of the Greenland lumpfish fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Mediterranean mussels

Mytilus galloprovincialis


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • Only naturally occurring spat are used to stock the farm so the transportation of the larval phase of mussels away from farm sites is not a concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Species and Location

fishery flag

New Zealand mussel

Perna canaliculus

New Zealand

Fishery countries:
New Zealand

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed mussels.
  • As a native species found across New Zealand, the transportation of mussels away from farm sites is not likely to be a concern.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter. No feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed mussels, and water quality has been shown to improve at farmed mussel sites.
General Notes


Seafood Watch, August 2020, Marine Mussels, Mytilus spp, Perna spp., Worldwide, On and Off Bottom Culture

Species and Location

fishery flag

New Zealand mussel

Perna canaliculus


Fishery countries:
New Zealand

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete
General Notes
  • No additional notes

Species and Location

fishery flag

New Zealand mussel

Perna canaliculus


Fishery countries:
New Zealand

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete
General Notes
  • No additional notes

Species and Location

fishery flag

Nile tilapia

Oreochromis niloticus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Tilapia typically does not require large inputs of fishmeal and fish oil in commercial feeds.
  • The risk of escapes is high but tilapia have already become established in Indonesia. There appears to be a low incidence of disease on farms but there is a high risk of disease transfer to wild species when outbreaks occur.
  • There is a lack of information about impacts on water quality on tilapia farms in Indonesia. Chemical inputs, including antibiotics important to human health, are a concern.
General Notes
  • Although there is extensive legislation referencing area and zonal approaches to aquaculture planning and management, the tilapia farming industry still appears focused on farm-based approaches.
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


FishSource - Tilapia, Indonesia

Good Fish Guide - Tilapia, Global, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, September 2015, Farmed Tilapia, Indonesia, Freshwater net pens

Seafood Watch, Tilapia, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Tilapia Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

North Pacific hake

Merluccius productus

NE Pacific

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Midwater trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Atlantic Canada: SFAs 1-2, 4, 6-7

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The only ETP species recorded in the catch are Atlantic wolffish, spotted wolffish and Northern wolffish. Annual catches are low and the shrimp fishery is unlikely to hinder their recovery.
  • Bycatch of non-target species is considered low and mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. But, the fishery is considered highly unlikely to irreparably reduce habitat structure and function. Management measures are in place to limit impacts on vulnerable habitats.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.

LRQA, June 2022, Canada Northern and Striped Shrimp MSC Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Atlantic Canada: SFAs 13-15 (E Scotian Shelf)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The trawl fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is low due to the use of the Nordmore grate.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered highly unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes


Lloyd's Register, November 2020, MSC 2nd Reassessment Public Certification Report for the Canada Scotian Shelf Northern Prawn Trawl and Trap Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Management measures are in place to limit catch of redfish, which may include the endangered species, golden redfish. While catches are low in this fishery, there are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fisheries upon the golden redfish.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is low due to the use of Nordmøre sorting grids and other management measures.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered highly unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


DNG GL, March 2018, Public Certification Report for the Re-assessment of the Norway North East Arctic cold water prawn fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Skagerrak and Norwegian deep

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Sharks and rays are identified as ETP species that this fishery may interact with. Data for similar fisheries indicates that catches are low and therefore the fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch includes other commercial species including saithe and cod. Management measures include use of the Nordmøre sorting grid to reduce bycatch, quota, and effort restrictions.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed but the fishery is considered unlikely to cause serious and irreversible harm to habitats. But specific research on the impact of shrimp trawling in the Skagerrak and Norwegian Deep has not been conducted.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


DNV GL, December 2021, Norway Skagerrak and Norwegian Deep cold water prawn Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern prawn

Pandalus borealis

Western Greenland

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is low due to the use of Nordmøre sorting grids and other management measures.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Measures are in place to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes
  • This species plays an important role in the marine food web and so potential impacts on the wider marine ecosystem must be monitored.


Acoura Marine, August 2018, Public Certification Report for the West Greenland Coldwater prawn fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Northern shortfin squid

Illex illecebrosus

NW Atlantic

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant direct impact on ETP species.
  • Longfin inshore squid is caught as bycatch. Management measures are in place to minimize discards.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place but data on habitat characteristics and gear interactions are lacking.
General Notes


SCS Global, June 2020, U.S. Northeastern Coast Longfin Inshore Squid and Northern Shortfin Squid Bottom Trawl Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Norway lobster

Nephrops norvegicus

Skagerrak and Kattegat

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery may interact with sharks, skates, and rays.
  • Use of more selective gear with a grid or larger meshed net and escape panel is encouraged to reduce bycatch.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Scampi or langoustine, Skagerrak and Kattegat (FU 3 & 4), Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Norway lobster

Nephrops norvegicus

Skagerrak and Kattegat

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch is likely to be low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Scampi or langoustine, Skagerrak and Kattegat (FU 3 & 4), Pot, trap or creel

Species and Location

fishery flag

Ocean shrimp

Pandalus jordani

Eastern Pacific - US Oregon, US Washington

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch in this fishery is considered low and vessels use bycatch reduction devices.
  • Bottom trawls directly impact on the seabed. But vessels in the fishery have taken steps to reduce their habitat impact by using gear technology and areas closures are in place to protect vulnerable marine habitats.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Aleutian Islands

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Longlines
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds and marine mammals with this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bycatch varies by gear type, with longlines presenting a greater risk than pots. A number of species are caught as bycatch, with some management measures in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Aleutian Islands, Hook & line (longline), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Aleutian Islands, Pot, trap or creel, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Seafood Watch, Pacific cod, United States (Alaska), Northwest / Northeast Pacific Ocean; Longlines, Pots, Bottom trawls; Marine Stewardship Council Certified BSAI and GOA Pacific cod

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Aleutian Islands

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds and marine mammals with this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Aleutian Islands, Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Seafood Watch, Pacific cod, United States (Alaska), Northwest / Northeast Pacific Ocean; Longlines, Pots, Bottom trawls; Marine Stewardship Council Certified BSAI and GOA Pacific cod

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Eastern Bering Sea

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Longlines
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds and marine mammals with this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bycatch for this fishery includes other fish, skates and sea birds, but there is insufficient data available to assess significance.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Bering Sea, Hook & line (longline), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Bering Sea, Pot, trap or creel, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Eastern Bering Sea

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds and marine mammals with this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact the sea bed. However, management measures are in place.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Bering Sea, Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Seafood Watch, Pacific cod, United States (Alaska), Northwest & Northeast Pacific Ocean; Longlines, Pots, Bottom trawls; Marine Stewardship Council Certified BSAI and GOA Pacific cod

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Gulf of Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Hook and line
  • Longlines
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds and marine mammals with this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bycatch is monitored. Seabird bycatch occurs at low levels. It does not appear to be having population-level impacts.
  • Habitat impacts vary by gear type. Longline fisheries have much lower impact on habitats than bottom-towed gear such as trawls. However, if they are bottom longlines or are dragged across the seabed during fishing and hauling they can negatively impact on vulnerable species such as corals and sponges, which can be slow to recover. The impact of pots is thought to be small.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Gulf of Alaska, Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Gulf of Alaska, Hook & line (longline), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Good Fish Guide - Pacific cod, Gulf of Alaska, Pot, trap or creel, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Western Bering Sea (Anadyr-Navarin; Karaginsky; North Eastern Sea of Okhotsk; North Kurils; Petropavlovsk-Komandor)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The fishery interacts with seabirds but measures are in place to minimize seabird bycatch.
  • All bycatch species are recorded. The fishery is unlikely to hinder recovery of bycatch species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Marine Certification LLC, October 2019, Western Bering Sea Pacific cod and Pacific halibut longline Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pacific cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Western Bering Sea (Anadyr-Navarin; Karaginsky; Petropavlovsk-Komandor)

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • The fishery interacts with seabirds but measures are in place to minimize seabird bycatch.
  • All bycatch species are recorded. The fishery is unlikely to hinder recovery of bycatch species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


United Certification Systems Limited, April 2022, KZB-herring JSC Western Bering Sea and East Kamchatka Pacific cod Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Patagonian scallop

Zygochlamys patagonica


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. However, management measures are in place, including the use of area closures to protect vulnerable habitats.
General Notes

Organización Internacional Agropecuaria S.A. (OIA), September 2020, Public Certification Report Assessment against MSC Principles and Criteria for: Patagonian Scallop Bottom Otter Trawl Fishery in Argentine Sea

Species and Location

fishery flag

Patagonian toothfish

Dissostichus eleginoides

Southern Indian Ocean - Heard Island and McDonald Islands

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl
  • Longlines
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with seabirds, marine mammals, and sharks have been recorded and reported. The fishery has adopted measures to minimise interactions with seabirds and marine mammals. There are measures in place to prevent mortality of seabirds.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Habitat impacts vary by gear type. Bottom trawls will directly impact the sea bed, while longlines and traps typically have lower impacts. Management measures are in place to reduce the impact of bottom trawls.
General Notes


bio.inspecta, October 2022, Australia Heard Island and McDonald Islands toothfish & icefish fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Peruvian calico scallop

Argopecten purpuratus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • No feed inputs are used to support farmed scallops.
  • The larval phase of scallops may be transported away from farm sites. But, scallops are mostly farmed within their native range and pose little risk from escapes. Predator control methods used are low-impact and there is little risk of direct or accidental mortality of predators and other wildlife.
  • There is no concern regarding pollution from nutrients or organic matter as no feed or nutrient fertilization inputs are used to support farmed scallops.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Seafood Watch Recommended Eco-Certification for Peruvian Scallop, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified: Bivalve Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag


Sander lucioperca

Lake Peipsi

Fishery countries:
Estonia, Russia

Production Methods

  • Seine nets
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve, Cook Inlet, Norton Sound, Prince William Sound, Southeast Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • While encounters with marine mammals and birds have been documented in this fishery, the impact on ETP species is not thought to be significant.
  • There is no risk of bycatch for this fishery. Catches of other salmon species are accounted for in the pink salmon management.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC 3rd Reassessment Report for Alaska Salmon Fishery

SCS Global Services, 2022, MSC Fishery Assessment Report Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Alaska - Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, Southeast Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • While encounters with marine mammals and birds have been documented in this fishery, the impact on ETP species is not thought to be significant.
  • There is no risk of bycatch for this fishery. Catches of other salmon species are accounted for in the pink salmon management.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC 3rd Reassessment Report for Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Alaska - Westward Alaska

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • While encounters with marine mammals and birds have been documented in this fishery, the impact on ETP species is not thought to be significant.
  • There is no risk of bycatch for this fishery. Catches of other salmon species are accounted for in the pink salmon management.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC 3rd Reassessment Report for Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Russia - East Kamchatka

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes
  • Catches of pink salmon generally comprise a small proportion of the total salmon harvest in the Kamchatka River fishery and are incidental to the catch of other species.


MRAG Americas, August 2023, Kamchatka River Salmon Fishery Public Comment Draft Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Russia - East Kamchatka, West Kamchatka

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • While interactions with marine mammals have been documented in this fishery, entanglement in fishing gear is unlikely, and the impact on ETP species is not thought to be significant. Overall, few ETP species are present in the fishery area.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low. Salmon species account for the majority of the catch. No significant bycatch of seabirds has been observed but there is a risk that some entanglement of seabirds in the fishing gear may occur.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, July 2020 (amended October 2020), Karaginsky Bay Salmon Fisheries Kolkhoz im Bekereva, Ukinskij Liman, Belorechensk & Vyvenskoe, Public Certification Report

MRAG Americas, July 2020, Karaginsky Bay Salmon Fisheries, Vostochny Bereg, Maksimovsky, Koryakmoreprodukt, Nachikinskoe &
Severo Vostochnaya, Public Certification Report

MRAG Americas, May 2018, Narody Severa Bolsheretsk
Salmon Fisheries, Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Russia - Iturup Island Sakhalin, West Kamchatka

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
    • While interactions with marine mammals have been documented in this fishery, entanglement in fishing gear is unlikely, and the impact on ETP species is not thought to be significant. Overall, few ETP species are present in the fishery area.
    • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low. Salmon species account for the majority of the catch. No significant bycatch of seabirds has been observed but there is a risk that some entanglement of seabirds in the fishing gear may occur.
    • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes


SCS Global, February 2021, Iturup Island Pink & Chum Salmon, MSC Fishery Assessment Report, Public Certification Report

MRAG Americas, July 2020, West Kamchatka Salmon Fisheries, Zarya-Kolpakovsky Sobolevo, Public Certification Report

MRAG Americas, May 2018, Narody Severa Bolsheretsk
Salmon Fisheries, Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Rainbow trout require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Occasional outbreaks of disease occur. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) monitors and inspects all Danish fish farms and outlines procedures for the responses to disease outbreaks.
  • Evidence suggests that negative impacts on water quality may be occurring as a result of the aquaculture industry, but impacts appear to have decreased over the past decade.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • Some regions have included area-based approached to aquaculture in planning.


FishSource - salmon, Denmark

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Rainbow trout require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet. Concerns about the sustainability of feed inputs are relatively minor though they are not necessarily certified sustainable.
  • Occasional outbreaks of disease occur. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) monitors and inspects all Danish fish farms and outlines procedures for the responses to disease outbreaks.
  • Evidence suggests that negative impacts on water quality may be occurring as a result of the aquaculture industry, but impacts appear to have decreased over the past decade.
General Notes
  • Some product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.
  • Some regions have included area-based approached to aquaculture in planning.


FishSource - salmon, Denmark

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts are addressed to some degree by certification.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow Trout, Steelhead Trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Rainbow trout require fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources in their diet.
  • Rainbow trout are not native to Norway. There are concerns about the impact of farmed salmonid escapes and disease outbreaks on wild fish populations. On average, 44,000 rainbow trout were registered escaped from Norwegian fish farms per year from 2010 to 2018. The most common cause of escapes are holes in the net. Fish farmers in Norway are legally obliged to report escapes.
  • Impacts on water quality depend on the farming method used. Production using open net cages and ponds results in the discharge of waste and nutrients directly into the surrounding water.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


FishSource - salmon, Norway

Føre, H.M. and Thorvaldsen, T., 2021, Causal analysis of escape of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout from Norwegian fish farms during 2010–2018 - Aquaculture, Vol. 532, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.736002

Seafood Watch, Recommended Eco-Certifications for Rainbow trout, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certified

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Trout have a high requirement for fish in their diet.
  • Escapes are unlikely to have a significant impact on wild trout populations.
  • Impacts on water quality depend on the farming method used. Production using open net cages and ponds results in the discharge of waste and nutrients directly into the surrounding water.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide, Rainbow trout, Europe: Norway, Turkey, UK, Open net pen, marine, GLOBALG.A.P.

Good Fish Guide, Rainbow trout, Europe: Norway, Turkey, UK, Pond, freshwater, GLOBALG.A.P.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Rainbow trout, Steelhead trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Red swamp crawfish

Procambarus clarkii

Chinese waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There is a lack of information on interactions with ETP species in this fishery, but the introduced red swamp crawfish presents a risk to native crawfish species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is likely to be low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat, though cumulative impacts may occur.
General Notes
  • As an introduced species, the impacts of the fishery on native species and ecosystems need to be considered.


MRAG, July 2016, Red Swamp Chinese Crayfish Fishery Pre-assessment report

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag


Pollachius virens

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:
Faroe Islands, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, United Kingdom

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, which is currently classified as Vulnerable.
  • Bycatch of Norwegian coastal cod is a concern. Management measures, including gear restrictions, are in place to limit bycatch.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Coley, Northeast Arctic (Barents and Norwegian Sea), Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Pollachius virens

Barents Sea

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are significant concerns about the cumulative impacts of the Barents Sea fishery upon the endangered species, golden redfish, which is currently classified as Vulnerable.
  • Bycatch of Norwegian coastal cod is a concern. Management measures, including gear restrictions, are in place to limit bycatch.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed. Management measures are in place to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Coley, Northeast Arctic (Barents and Norwegian Sea), Bottom trawl (otter), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Pollachius virens

Icelandic waters

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of seabirds occurs in the longline fishery. Some mitigation measures are in place, but better monitoring is required.
  • Multiple fish species are used as bait in the longline fishery. More information on the management of baitfish species is needed to assess their sustainability.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • As a mixed fishery, the effects of management measures on other species need to be considered within an ecosystem context.


Vottunarstofan Tún ehf., September 2019, ISF Iceland Multi-Species Demersal Fishery, Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag


Pollachius virens

North Sea, Skagerrak, west of Scotland and the Rockall

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals, sharks, skates and rays occasionally occur in this fishery. Bycatch of vulnerable species of skate is a risk. Mitigation measures are in place to reduce bycatch.
  • Bycatch risks are moderate. Catch of Atlantic cod is a concern, but mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Coley, North Sea, West of Scotland and Rockall, Skagerrak, Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Pollachius virens

North Sea, Skagerrak, west of Scotland and the Rockall

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • The fishery is considered unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species. Low catches of sharks, skates and rays have been recorded in the Danish seine gear fishery.
  • There are some concerns about bycatch in this fishery.
  • This fishery is considered unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Control Union, October 2019, Public Certification Report – Principle 2, Joint demersal fisheries in the North Sea and adjacent waters

Species and Location

fishery flag


Pollachius virens

North Sea, Skagerrak, west of Scotland and the Rockall

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of vulnerable species such as skate is a risk in this fishery. Mitigation measures are in place to reduce bycatch.
  • Bycatch in the German fleet is considered low. Bycatch of Atlantic cod is a concern, but mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Coley, North Sea, West of Scotland and Rockall, Skagerrak, Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Pollachius virens

North Sea, Skagerrak, west of Scotland and the Rockall

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Data show interactions with redfish, sharks, marine mammals, and seabirds. Some measures are in place to reduce interactions with ETP species. Overall, this fishery is considered unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on bycatch species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


DNV GL, June 2018, Public Certification Report For The
Reassessment of the Norway North Sea demersal fisheries

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag


Pollachius virens

North Sea, Skagerrak, west of Scotland and the Rockall

Fishery countries:
United Kingdom, Norway

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals, sharks, skates and rays occasionally occur in this fishery. Bycatch of vulnerable species of skate is a risk. Mitigation measures are in place to reduce bycatch.
  • Bycatch risks are moderate. Catch of Atlantic cod is a concern, but mitigation measures are in place.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Coley, North Sea, West of Scotland and Rockall, Skagerrak, Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Shallow-water Cape hake

Merluccius capensis

South Africa

Fishery countries:
South Africa

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Previous concerns over interactions with seabirds have been mitigated using bird scaring lines and a reduction in fishing effort. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the extent of fishery interactions with some ETP species.
  • There is bycatch for this fishery but there is a strategy in place for managing retained species. The estimated discard rate for the fishery is low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed, however, this fishery is considered highly unlikely to have an irreversible impact on habitat structure and function.
General Notes

LLoyd's Register, 2021, MSC Public Certification Report for South Africa Hake Trawl Fishery - Third Reassessment

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Eastern Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama

Production Methods

  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Catch of sharks is a concern. In addition, there are risks to sea turtles with this fishery, but management measures are in place.
  • Bycatch is a risk in this fishery. The risk of bycatch in unassociated (FAD-free) purse seine fisheries is lower than in associated purse seine fisheries.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:
South Korea

Production Methods

  • Associated purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sea turtles with this fishery.
  • Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, fin fishes, sharks and rays. Management measures are in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide, Skipjack tuna, Indian Ocean, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish)

Seafood Watch, Skipjack tuna, Indian Ocean, Floating object purse seine (FAD)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:
France, Mauritius, Seychelles, Spain

Production Methods

  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, purse seine gear still present a hazard to ETP species. Sharks, rays, and sea turtles can interact with the fishery but some measures are in place to minimise impacts. Bycatch of marine mammals and seabirds is thought to be low.
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, bycatch is still a risk for this fishery. The main bycatch species groups are other tunas, billfishes, sharks, rays and fin fishes. There are some mitigation measures in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide, Skipjack tuna, Indian Ocean, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:
Seychelles, Spain

Production Methods

  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, purse seine gear still present a hazard to ETP species. Sharks, rays, and sea turtles can interact with the fishery but some measures are in place to minimise impacts. Bycatch of marine mammals and seabirds is thought to be low.
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, bycatch is still a risk for this fishery. The main bycatch species groups are other tunas, billfishes, sharks, rays and fin fishes. There are some mitigation measures in place.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide, Skipjack tuna, Indian Ocean, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low. There is some catch of yellowfin tuna but management measures are in place. The use of live baitfish is monitored and the Maldives has a livebait management plan.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Skipjack tuna, Indian Ocean: Certified fleets only (Maldives), Hook & line (pole & line)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
Ecuador, Kiribati, South Korea, Panama, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, sea turtles, and marine mammals with this fishery, but there are mitigation measures in place.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


FisheryProgress - Western and Central Pacific Ocean skipjack & yellowfin tuna - purse seine (General Tuna Corporation)

Good Fish Guide - Skipjack tuna, Western and Central Pacific, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
Kiribati, South Korea, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Tuvalu, Vanuatu

Production Methods

  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Sharks, rays, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds are identified as ETP species that may interact with this fishery. The rate of interactions recorded with these species are low and the fishery is thought to be unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species. Measures are in place to minimise interactions.
  • Bycatch is considered low for this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Acoura Marine Limited, March 2018, PNA Western and Central Pacific skipjack and yellowfin, unassociated / non FAD set, tuna purse seine fishery, Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Skipjack tuna

Katsuwonus pelamis

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
Ecuador, El Salvador, Japan, Kiribati, South Korea, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Spain

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, sea turtles, and marine mammals with purse seine gear. But certified fleets have implemented additional mitigation measures to reduce impacts on ETP species.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Skipjack tuna, Western and Central Pacific, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals and seabirds occur infrequently. But this fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka

Alaska - Annette Islands Reserve

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with marine mammals and seabirds occur infrequently. But this fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

SCS Global, October 2022, Annette Islands Reserve Salmon Fishery MSC Fishery Assessment Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC Public Certification Report for the Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Gillnets and entangling nets

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes

MRAG Americas, April 2019, MSC Public Certification Report for the Alaska Salmon Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Seine nets
  • Gillnets and entangling nets
  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes


MSC: Olyutorskiy Bay salmon

MRAG Americas, June 2018, MSC Public Certification Report for Olyutorskiy Bay Salmon Fisheries

Species and Location

fishery flag

Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the benthic habitat.
General Notes


MSC: Ozernovsky RKZ No 55 West Kamchatka salmon fishery

MRAG Americas, July 2020 MSC Public Certification Report for West Kamchatka Salmon Fishery
Ozernovsky RKZ No 55

Species and Location

fishery flag

Striped catfish

Pangasianodon hypophthalmus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Small inputs of fishmeal and fishoil from marine feed sources are required. Feed inputs are not required to be certified as sustainable or responsibly sourced.
  • Pangasius is native to the Mekong and therefore escaped fish are unlikely to have direct impacts on local ecosystems. However, the effects of disease on pangasius farms upon wild fish populations is unknown. Juveniles used in pangasius farming come from Vietnamese hatcheries and the trade of wild-caught broodstock is limited.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter occurs on a relatively small scale when compared to the wider nutrient load in the Mekong. Nevertheless, the cumulative input of effluent from pond water exchange and the disposal of pond sludge contributes to the region's pollution problem. The improper disposal of sludge waste from pond bottoms is especially problematic. Environmental issues are mitigated by the certification standards but discharge limits need improvement. Chemical inputs to Vietnamese pangasius culture are high and there are concerns about the use of antibiotics important to human health.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The government requires pangasius farms to be managed under a zonal approach.


FishSource - Pangasius, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide - Basa (Pangasius bocourti & Pangasius hypophthalmus), Global, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch Recommended Eco-Certifications for farmed pangasius, Vietnam, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified

Species and Location

fishery flag

Striped catfish

Pangasius hypophthalmus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid
Environmental Notes
  • Pangasius is an omnivore and as such is not heavily reliant on marine proteins and oils to form part of its diet, however the fish used to produce the feed is currently not certified as being responsibly managed or sustainable.
  • The hyper-intensive production that occurs in Vietnam generates large volumes of effluent, and many farms are reportedly engaging in illegal dumping.
  • Data on chemical use is not available, but there's evidence that it's very high and includes the use of antibiotics that are critically important to human health.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The Vietnamese government have introduced the VietGAP standard to serve as a bridge to lead Vietnamese pangasius enterprises and farmers to the certification of other internationally-recognised standards such as GLOBALG.A.P. and ASC.


FishSource - Pangasius, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide, Basa; Asia, Vietnam, Mekong Delta; Open net pen, freshwater

Seafood Watch, February 2014, Pangasius, Vietnam, Ponds, Updated June 2021

Seafood Watch Recommendation for Sutchi catfish, Worldwide, Ponds, Naturland Certified Standards for Organic Aquaculture (Tropical Freshwater Fishes)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Striped catfish

Pangasius hypophthalmus


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Pangasius is an omnivore and as such is not heavily reliant on marine proteins and oils to form part of its diet, however the fish used to produce the feed is currently not certified as being responsibly managed or sustainable.
  • The hyper-intensive production that occurs in Vietnam generates large volumes of effluent, and many farms are reportedly engaging in illegal dumping.
  • Data on chemical use is not available, but there's evidence that it's very high and includes the use of antibiotics that are critically important to human health.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.
  • The Vietnamese government have introduced the VietGAP standard to serve as a bridge to lead Vietnamese pangasius enterprises and farmers to the certification of other internationally-recognised standards such as GLOBALG.A.P. and ASC.


FishSource - Pangasius, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide, Basa; Asia, Vietnam, Mekong Delta; Open net pen, freshwater

Seafood Watch, February 2014, Pangasius, Vietnam, Ponds, Updated June 2021

Species and Location

fishery flag

Striped venus

Chamelea gallina


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Dredge

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to have significant impacts on ETP species as the level of interactions is low.
  • Bycatch species are caught in small volumes. The main bycatch species are crabs, which are usually released alive.
  • Management controls are in place to minimise any habitat impacts caused by the fishery.
General Notes


DNV GL, 2018, Public Certification Report for the Initial assessment of the Venetian Wild Harvested Striped Clam fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag


Xiphias gladius

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:
Sri Lanka

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, seabirds, sea turtles and marine mammals with this fishery. Some mitigation measures are in place for sharks, sea birds, and sea turtles.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Swordfish, Indian Ocean, Hook & line (longline)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Xiphias gladius

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with sharks, sea turtles, rays, and marine mammals have been recorded. Impacts are not likely to be significant but there is some uncertainty around the degree to which the fishery may affect loggerhead and leatherback turtles.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery. Few measures are in place to mitigate bycatch of sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Control Union, July 2022, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Public Certification Report Reunion Island swordfish longline fishery

Good Fish Guide - Swordfish, Indian Ocean, Hook & line (longline)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Xiphias gladius

North Atlantic

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • Profile not yet complete.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag


Xiphias gladius

South Atlantic

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The catch of sea turtles, seabirds, and sharks is a major concern.
  • There are some measures in place to reduce bycatch impacts, but they do not follow recommended best practices.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide, Swordfish, South Atlantic, Hook & line (longline)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Buccinum undatum

European shelf

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Pots and traps

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings

Sustainability not rated

Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant risk of bycatch and the survival of discards is likely to be high.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used but semi-intensive production systems use limited amounts of feed meaning that the feed footprint is low.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but impacts do not appear to be significant. Farms are prone to flooding, which increases the risk of escape events occurring, but escape prevention measures are used. Shrimp farmed in Ecuador are raised from hatchery-raised native broodstock, therefore lowering the risk to wild shrimp populations of competition or genetic interactions.
  • The low stocking densities of whiteleg shrimp allow for minimal inputs of chemicals and antibiotics.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The government has adopted a farm-based approach to aquaculture regulations and licensing.


FishSource - shrimp, Ecuador

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, South America: Ecuador, Honduras, Pond, semi-intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, March 2021, Whiteleg shrimp, Ecuador, Semi-intensive Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used but semi-intensive production systems use limited amounts of feed meaning that the feed footprint is low.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but impacts do not appear to be significant. Farms are prone to flooding, which increases the risk of escape events occurring, but escape prevention measures are used. Shrimp farmed in Ecuador are raised from hatchery-raised native broodstock, therefore lowering the risk to wild shrimp populations of competition or genetic interactions.
  • The low stocking densities of whiteleg shrimp allow for minimal inputs of chemicals and antibiotics.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.
  • The government has adopted a farm-based approach to aquaculture regulations and licensing.


FishSource - shrimp, Ecuador

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, South America: Ecuador, Honduras, Pond, semi-intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, South America: Ecuador, Honduras, Pond, semi-intensive, EU Organic

Seafood Watch, March 2021, Whiteleg shrimp, Ecuador, Semi-intensive Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • The use of wild fish in Honduran shrimp feed inputs is low.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern for the region but the low stocking densities used in Honduras help to reduce the risk of outbreaks. Information on escapes from shrimp farms is limited. Whiteleg shrimp are native to Honduras, therefore lowering the environmental risk from escapes, however there is still potential for interbreeding with wild shrimp populations to result in reduced genetic fitness.
  • Feed and chemical inputs are limited, thereby reducing the risk of impacts on local water quality. Impacts vary depending on farm practices including the frequency of waste discharge from ponds. Some farms have been found to exceed regulatory limits for waste discharge.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


FishSource - shrimp, Honduras

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, South America: Ecuador and Honduras, Pond, semi-intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, July 2015, Farmed Whiteleg Shrimp, Honduras, Ponds

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in an AIP

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • The use of wild fish in Honduran shrimp feed inputs is low.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern for the region but the low stocking densities used in Honduras help to reduce the risk of outbreaks. Information on escapes from shrimp farms is limited. Whiteleg shrimp are native to Honduras, therefore lowering the environmental risk from escapes, however there is still potential for interbreeding with wild shrimp populations to result in reduced genetic fitness.
  • Feed and chemical inputs are limited, thereby reducing the risk of impacts on local water quality. Impacts vary depending on farm practices including the frequency of waste discharge from ponds. Some farms have been found to exceed regulatory limits for waste discharge.
General Notes
  • This product is certified to a non-GSSI recognised aquaculture certification standard. The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by organic certification.


FishSource - shrimp, Honduras

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, South America: Ecuador and Honduras, Pond, semi-intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, South America: Ecuador, Honduras, Pond, semi-intensive, EU Organic

Seafood Watch, July 2015, Farmed Whiteleg Shrimp, Honduras, Ponds

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but infrequent water exchange on whiteleg shrimp farms moderates the risk. Whiteleg shrimp are not native to India and there is potential for ecological impacts from escapes but there is no evidence of the species becoming established in the wild.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. Waste discharge from whiteleg shrimp ponds is typically limited to once per production cycle. The use of antibiotics important to human health and continued use of illegal antibiotics is a concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The aquaculture industry is currently managed under a farm-based approach. Shrimp farms are managed by the Coastal Aquaculture Authority through the Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA) Act and Guidelines, which acknowledge the importance of zonal management.


FishSource - Shrimp, India

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Asia: Vietnam, India and Indonesia, Pond, semi-intensive and intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, October 2021, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, India, Ponds

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern. Whiteleg shrimp are not native to Indonesia and there is potential for ecological impacts from escapes but there is no evidence of the species becoming established in the wild.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality and cumulative impacts across a region may occur. The use of antibiotics important to human health and continued use of illegal antibiotics is a concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • Legislation on zonal planning that is relevant to aquaculture does exist. The government has produced a coastal and marine spatial plan that identifies multiple aquaculture zones.


FishSource - Shrimp, Indonesia

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Asia: Vietnam, India and Indonesia, Pond, semi-intensive and intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, December 2015, Giant Tiger Prawn, Whiteleg Shrimp, Indonesia, Ponds

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Information specific to marine feed ingredients used in production in Panama was not found. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Information about impacts on wild species in Panama was not found. Potential concerns include disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns and ecological impacts from escapes.
  • No information on chemical use and water quality impacts in Panama is available. Chemicals and antibiotics are widely used in shrimp production.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Information specific to marine feed ingredients used in production in Venezuela was not found. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Information about impacts on wild species in Venezuela was not found. Potential concerns include disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns and ecological impacts from escapes.
  • No information on chemical use and water quality impacts in Venezuela is available. Chemicals and antibiotics are widely used in shrimp production.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but infrequent water exchange on whiteleg shrimp farms moderates this risk. Whiteleg shrimp are not native to Vietnam and there is potential for ecological impacts from escape but there is no evidence of the species becoming established in the wild.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. Intensive shrimp farms with higher nutrient inputs produce more waste and are associated with greater concerns around pollution. The use of antimicrobials important to human health and evidence of continued use of illegal antimicrobials is a concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The aquaculture industry is currently managed under a farm-based approach


FishSource - Shrimp, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Asia: Vietnam, India and Indonesia, Pond, semi-intensive and intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Pond, freshwater, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certified Shrimp Standard

Species and Location

fishery flag

Whiteleg shrimp

Penaeus vannamei


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Fishmeal and fish oil from marine feed sources are used. Certification criteria encourage the use of responsibly sourced marine products in feed. But there is little transparency on the ingredients used in feed across the sector.
  • Disease transfer between farmed and wild prawns is a concern but infrequent water exchange on whiteleg shrimp farms moderates this risk. Whiteleg shrimp are not native to Vietnam and there is potential for ecological impacts from escape but there is no evidence of the species becoming established in the wild.
  • Pollution from nutrients and organic matter, as well as chemical inputs, may affect local water quality. Intensive shrimp farms with higher nutrient inputs produce more waste and are associated with greater concerns around pollution. The use of antimicrobials important to human health and evidence of continued use of illegal antimicrobials is a concern.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.
  • The aquaculture industry is currently managed under a farm-based approach


FishSource - Shrimp, Vietnam

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Asia: Vietnam, India and Indonesia, Pond, semi-intensive and intensive

Good Fish Guide - King prawn, Global, Global Seafood Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices (GAA BAP) 2* and 3*

Seafood Watch, January 2023, Whiteleg Shrimp, Giant Tiger Prawn, Vietnam, Ponds

Seafood Watch, Whiteleg shrimp, Worldwide, Global Aquaculture Alliance Certified BAP Standard: Finfish and Crustacean Farms (2, 3, 4-star)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Merlangius merlangus

Southern Celtic Seas and western English Channel

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Avoid 5

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch of ETP species is a risk for this fishery but there is insufficient information to fully assess the level of risk.
  • Bycatch is a risk for this fishery.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • As a mixed fishery, the effects of management measures on other species need to be considered within an ecosystem context.


Good Fish Guide - Whiting, Celtic Seas (Southern), English Channel (West): all areas, Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag


Merlangius merlangus

North Sea and Eastern English Channel

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Bycatch may include vulnerable species of skates and rays and North Sea cod.
  • Bycatch is a risk in this fishery, but there is insufficient data available to assess significance.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Whiting, North Sea, English Channel (East), Bottom trawl (otter)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin sole

Limanda aspera

Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands

Fishery countries:
United States

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended




  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
  • 3
  • 4
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


MRAG Americas, 2015, MSC Public Certification Report for Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands Alaska Flatfish Fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowtail amberjack

Seriola lalandi


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Farmed

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 1

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • Farmed Seriola is a net consumer of fish protein rather than a net producer. Feed from marine fish sources are used, which are not necessarily sustainable.
  • Production using a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) is separated from the surrounding environment. Therefore, escapes and disease transfer to wild populations are not a concern. Hatcheries are used to supply farms with juveniles so wild stocks of Seriola are not affected.
  • Chemical impacts on surrounding environments are not a concern due to the closed nature of RAS. Wastewater is treated before it is discharged.
General Notes
  • The environmental impacts described are addressed to some degree by certification.


Good Fish Guide - Kingfish, Netherlands, Closed system, RAS, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and Global Seafood Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices (GAA BAP) 2*

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Atlantic Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, purse seine gear still present a hazard to ETP species. Sharks, rays, marine mammals, and sea turtles are identified as ETP species that interact with this fishery. But the rate of interactions is low and a relatively high percentage of animals are released alive.
  • Bycatch is considered low for this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Bureau Veritas, June 2021, ANABAC Atlantic Unassociated Purse Seine Yellowfin Tuna Fishery, Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals and sharks with this fishery.
  • Bycatch of billfishes is a risk.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares


Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project

Not certified or in a FIP

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 3

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals and sharks with this fishery. There are some mitigation measures in place for seabirds, sea turtles and sharks, but no specific management measures for marine mammals.
  • Bycatch of billfishes is a risk.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Atlantic, Hook & line (longline)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Atlantic Ocean

Fishery countries:
Panama, Spain

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, rays, sea turtles, and marine mammals with purse seine gear. But certified fleets have implemented additional mitigation measures to reduce impacts on ETP species. Further information is needed to understand the relative contribution of the fishery to ETP species mortality.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Acoura Marine Ltd, July 2022, AGAC four oceans Integral Purse Seine Tropical Tuna Fishery (Atlantic Ocean), Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Eastern Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
Ecuador, Panama, Spain

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, rays, and sea turtles with purse seine gear. But certified fleets have implemented additional mitigation measures to reduce impacts on ETP species. Further information is needed to understand the relative contribution of the fishery to ETP species mortality.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


LRQA, December 2021, AGAC four oceans Integral Purse Seine Tropical Tuna Fishery (Eastern Pacific Ocean), Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Eastern Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
Ecuador, Panama, United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, rays, and sea turtles with purse seine gear. But certified fleets have implemented additional mitigation measures to reduce impacts on ETP species. Further information is needed to understand the relative contribution of the fishery to ETP species mortality.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


SCS Global, July 2022, Eastern Pacific Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (TUNACONS) fishery, MSC Fishery Assessment Report, Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Eastern Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
French Polynesia

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks and sea turtles with longline gear. Regional management measures including the use of circle hooks are implemented to reduce impacts.
  • Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks. All sharks are considered ETP species in French Polynesia.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


ME Certification, June 2018, Public Certification Report, French Polynesia albacore and yellowfin longline fishery

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Indian Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Hook and line
  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch


Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Think 4

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Interactions with ETP species are generally low, although some bycatch of sharks can occur.
  • Bycatch for this fishery is considered low.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Fishery Progress - Maldives yellowfin tuna - handline

Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Indian Ocean: All areas, Hook & line (handline)

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
South Korea

Production Methods

  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, purse seine gear still present a hazard to ETP species. Sharks, turtles, and marine mammals can interact with the fishery but measures are in place to minimise impacts.
  • This fishery uses FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear, which results in less bycatch than associated fisheries. However, bycatch is still a risk for this fishery. Measures are in place to monitor and reduce bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Western and Central Pacific: Certified fleets only, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
China, Taiwan, United States

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, rays, and marine mammals with purse seine gear but measures are in place to minimise impacts.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Measures are in place to monitor and reduce bycatch.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Western and Central Pacific: Certified fleets only, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Species and Location

fishery flag fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
China, Micronesia

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sea turtles, sharks, and sea birds with this fishery. Data on interactions is limited but there is increased monitoring underway in certified fleets.
  • The main bycatch species in this fishery include other tuna species. The source fishery for Indian oil sardine used as baitfish in this fishery is not known, but the relatively low quantities used suggest that the fishery is unlikely to impact on the fish stock.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Control Union Pesca Ltd, March 2019, Public Certification
Report, SZLC CSFC & FZLC FSM EEZ Longline Yellowfin and Bigeye Tuna Fishery (Bigeye UoA)

Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Western and Central Pacific, Hook & line (longline), Marine Stewardship Council

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:
South Korea

Production Methods

  • Longlines

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sea turtles, sharks, and sea birds with this fishery. Data on interactions is limited but there is increased monitoring underway in certified fleets.
  • The main bycatch species in this fishery include billfish and other tuna species. Although the main bycatch stocks are not overfished they are in decline and at risk of overfishing.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Control Union, June 2020, MSC Public Certification Report for Pan Pacific yellowfin, bigeye and albacore tuna longline fishery

Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Western and Central Pacific, Hook & line (longline), Marine Stewardship Council

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings


Needs Improvement


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch is considered low for this fishery.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


FisheryProgress - FIP: Indonesia Western and Central Pacific Ocean yellowfin tuna - pole & line

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Handlines and pole-lines

Certification or Improvement Project

Some product from FIP fisheries

Sustainability Ratings




  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Best Choice

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5

Ocean Wise


Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • This fishery is unlikely to impact ETP species.
  • Bycatch is considered low for this fishery. But concerns have been raised about bycatch species used as baitfish.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


FisheryProgress - Philippines yellowfin tuna - handline

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowfin tuna

Thunnus albacares

Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Purse seine
  • FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Good Fish Guide

Best Choice 2

Good Fish Guide

  • Best Choice 1
  • Best Choice 2
  • Think 3
  • Think 4
  • Improver 5
  • Avoid 5
Environmental Notes
  • There are risks to sharks, rays, and sea turtles with purse seine gear. But certified fleets have implemented additional mitigation measures to reduce impacts on ETP species. Further information is needed to understand the relative contribution of the fishery to ETP species mortality.
  • Bycatch is a risk in purse seine fisheries. FAD-free (unassociated) purse seine gear result in less bycatch than associated fisheries. Bycatch for this fishery includes other tuna, billfishes and sharks.
  • This fishery is unlikely to have a significant impact on the sea bed.
General Notes


Good Fish Guide - Yellowfin tuna, Western and Central Pacific: Certified fleets only, Net (purse seine on aggregating devices or free-schooling fish), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

LRQA, March 2022, AGAC four oceans Integral Purse Seine
Tropical Tuna Fishery (Western and Central Pacific Ocean), Public Certification Report

Species and Location

fishery flag

Yellowtail flounder

Limanda ferruginea

Newfoundland Grand Banks

Fishery countries:

Production Methods

  • Bottom trawl

Certification or Improvement Project


Sustainability Ratings


Well Managed


  • Well Managed
  • Managed
  • Needs Improvement

Seafood Watch

Eco-Certification Recommended

Seafood Watch

  • Eco-Certification Recommended
  • Best Choice
  • Good Alternative
  • Avoid

Ocean Wise

Not recommended

Ocean Wise

  • Recommended
  • Not recommended
Environmental Notes
  • Effects of this fishery on ETP species have not been reported. A number of sharks, rays and skates are classified as at risk on the IUCN Red List for the Northwest Atlantic. Some management measures for sharks are in place.

  • Bycatch for this fishery includes cod and American plaice.
  • Bottom trawls will directly impact on the sea bed.
General Notes
  • No additional notes.