Beaver Street Fisheries joins Ocean Disclosure Project

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) is pleased to announce that Florida-based frozen seafood importer, manufacturer, and distributor, Beaver Street Fisheries has become a participant in the Ocean Disclosure Project (ODP).

Beaver Street Fisheries has voluntarily published a disclosure containing a list of wild-caught and farmed species sourced and sold in its fresh and frozen lines in 2018. Beaver Street Fisheries is only the second company to disclose farmed seafood sourcing in North America through the ODP’s annual reporting process.

“Beaver Street Fisheries has been a long-standing partner of SFP and is engaged in almost all of our Supply Chain Roundtables. Joining the Ocean Disclosure Project is another great indicator of their commitment to seafood sustainability and is a great addition to their sustainability portfolio,” said Katie Mihalik, Buyer Engagement Program Manager at SFP.

SFP started the ODP in 2015 to provide a valuable information resource for responsible investors, seafood consumers, and others interested in sustainable seafood. To date, 26 other companies in Europe, North America and Australia have participated. Other ODP participants have included North American suppliers High Liner Foods and Tradex Foods.

Casey Marion, Director of Sustainability Initiatives and Quality Management Systems at Beaver Street said, “In a world where we are competing over natural resources, transparency and industry collaboration are key ingredients to sustainable seafood, and we appreciate the work that SFP has done to develop Ocean Disclosure Project (ODP), and see this as a great platform to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability. Now more than ever, the future of our industry depends on what we do today to ensure the fisheries and the communities that support them are here for future generations.”

Beaver Street’s full profile can be viewed at:

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